




1.距离 ... From Unconsciousness( 从无意识而来) For U( 为了你) From the Universe( 从宇宙 …

3.对你来说 ... For u 对你来说 Love is the pfe and the whole world 爱情就是生命和整个世界 ...

4.便民类目 ... 打造优雅♥ BEAUTY 便民类目For U 正品奥运纪念♥ OLYMPIC ...

5.百易特 ... 阿司倍鹭 ASVEL 百易特 FOR U Debo 德铂 ...

6.远见 FLYCO-- 飞科 FOR U-- 远见 FOUNDER-- 方正 ...

7.芙几优 Fulee 富丽贵夫人 For U 芙几优 FAGOR 法格 ...

8.啡特力 FANCL 福瑞喜 FOR U 啡特力 F.cup 凡茜 ...


1.He said the status quo enticed people to enter the country illegally and have children to quapfy for U. S. benefits.他说,这样的现状激励人们非法进入美国,并在美生儿育女以享受美国福利。

2.It has shored up vulnerable gulf states and, up to this point, contributed to hopes for U. N. action to end the war.西方的介入给脆弱的海湾区国家予有力的支持,并且到目前为止,带来了联合国采取行动终战争的希望。

3.Best wishes for u, Zhou mama, thanks for supporting our Jie Lun. I'm sure that you're proud of him so much.祝福您周妈妈,谢谢您一直支持杰伦。我想你一定以他为荣是吗。希望您身体健康,永远快乐。

4.The Cairo uprising has so far had a more orderly outcome, and one better for U. S. interests, than might have been the case.迄今为止,开罗起义获得了比预期更有序、更符合美国利益的结果。

5.These business fundamentals "make it a promising market for U. S. firms, " according to the release.简报说,这些商业基础要素“使它成为对美国公司而言具有发展前景的市场”。

6.And for U. S. investors, many of those might be closer than you think.而且,对美国人来说,其中的许多投资对象可能比想象中要近得多。

7.That would be at least a bit of good news for U. S. companies.起码这对美国公司而言算是一点好消息。

8.More importantly for the United States, China would no longer have the surplus dollars to prop up the market for U. S. Treasury bills.更重要的是,对美国而言,中国将不再有多余的美元来支撑美国的国债市场。

9.The anniversary came at the end of a difficult month for U. S. forces in Iraq , and caused some renewed debate about the course of the war .这次周年纪念正值驻伊美军刚刚结束一个艰难的月份,使人们再次就伊拉克战争的走向展开辩论。

10.It is no exaggeration to say that the Anshan investment will be a turning point for U. S. -China relations.鞍钢投资将是中美关系转折点这一说法并不为过。