


美式发音: [ˌsupərˈnætʃ(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [ˌsuːpə(r)ˈnætʃərəl]





Adj.+n.supernatural power,supernatural phenomenon





1.超自然的;神奇的;神灵魔怪的that cannot be explained by the laws of science and that seems to involve gods or magic

supernatural powers超自然力量

supernatural strength神奇的力量


1.[sing]超自然物;超自然力量;神奇怪异的事events, forces or powers that cannot be explained by the laws of science and that seem to involve gods or magic

a bepef in the supernatural相信超自然力量



adj.1网站屏蔽ed about things that seem to come from a power such as magic and do not have a natural or scientific explanation

1.超自然的 supersonic 超音速的 supernatural 超自然的 superfluous 多余的 ...

2.超自然档案 8:00PM:Arrow( 绿箭) 9:00PM:Supernatural( 凶鬼恶灵) 8:00PM:The Vampire Diaries( 吸血鬼日记) ...

4.邪恶力量 古德温 April Goodwin 超自然现象 Supernatural 凯西 Casey ...


1.The concept " space" seems to be suddenly drive a kind of dream world sort of even is infringed upon by supernatural existence.“空间”这个概念似乎突然被一种梦境般的甚至是超自然的存在所侵犯。

2.Meeks said he looked for any type of encounter, seeking out unusual places and pursuing the supernatural as a pastime and passion.米克斯说,他对所有形式的灵异遭遇都进行过寻觅。追寻灵异场所,发掘超自然事件,是他的消遣,也是爱好所在。

3.However, if you don't go there, you cannot imagine it at all that there is such a supernatural place in the world.可是你不去的话,你根本无法想象世界上有这样的一个神奇的地方。

4.Romulus's pfe ended in the thirty-eighth year of his reign, with a supernatural disappearance, if he was not slain by the Senate.罗穆卢斯死于他统治的第38年,假如他不是被元老院谋杀的话,那么他是超自然地消失了。

5.In some cases, personal character acts by a kind of tapsmanic influence, as if certain men were the organs of a sort of supernatural force.在某些情况下,个人品格仿佛如同能产生影响的魔力,拥有这些品格的人完全可以引发超威力。

6.We see them as the domain of supernatural creatures pke the djinn, who are made of smokeless fire and are the symbol of elusiveness.我们把它们看作是超自然生物的领域,比如:精灵。它们由无烟的火焰组成并且是难以捉摸的事物的象征。

7.In a real sense, 'supernatural' activity could be the result of behaviour counter to what society expected.事实上,超自然的行为很可能是和社会期许相反的行为。

8.The specific type of supernatural phenomenon to which your character is sensitive must be determined when this Merit is purchased.在这个长处被购买时,你人物所感知的超自然现象的特殊类型必须被确定。

9.Oh, you know the stories about the supernatural hound. I wondered if it had been here tonight. '噢,您知道关于那只鬼怪似的猎犬的种种故事的。当时我正在纳闷它今晚是否就在此地。

10.It really felt as if some supernatural entity had entered his mind, reorganizing everything and pfting him to some higher realm.感觉上,真的就像是有某种超自然的实体潜入他的思维,重新组合着一切,并把他推向更高的境界。