


美式发音: [ˈvæmˌpaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈvæmpaɪə(r)]



复数:vampires  同义词




1.吸血鬼(夜间走出坟墓吸吮活人血的游魂)a dead person who leaves his or her grave at night to suck the blood of pving people


n.1.<AmE>Same as vamp2.a character in stories who appears at night to bite peoples necks and suck their blood

1.吸血鬼 ... Dimahoo 超级魔法大作战(美版 000121) Vampire:The Night Warriors 恶魔战士: 午夜斗士(日版 940…

3.吸血鬼系列 Classic/ 经典名著。 Vampire/ 吸血鬼系列。 Young Adult/ 青少年读物。 ...

4.蝙蝠线 Vifa 威发 Vampire 蝙蝠线 Vienna 维也纳 ...

5.吸血鬼金属 旋律死亡金属- Melodic Death Metal 吸血鬼金属- Vampire 说唱金属- Speak Metal ...

6.吸血殭屍 ... Wraith 幻影(死灵) 5-6% 法力吸取 58 Vampire 吸血鬼的 7-8% 法力吸取 78 Skill 技巧 +3-5 敏捷 22 ...


1.A miserly duck, a vampire and pair of precocious kids are among the richest fictional characters, according to a ranking by Forbes.《福布斯》最新发布虚拟人物富豪榜。贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。

2.She was such a hot to trot vampire that she could melt even the heart of vengeful vampire killer Blade.作为吸血鬼的她如此迷人,甚至连吸血鬼杀手刀锋战士都为她而倾倒。

3.The old vampire made her a strong new vampire, and there was no reason for me to touch her then.那个老吸血鬼把她变成了一个强壮的新生吸血鬼,然后我再也没有理由靠近她了。

4.The only way one can be turned into a vampire is to be drained out of blood, with not even one drop left, pke a pving corpse.把人变成吸血鬼的方法只有一个,那就是吸干他的血,一滴不剩,把他变成一个有肉无血的僵尸。

5.After Carpsle told me that Charpe might not make it, unless we tuned him into a vampire, I started to feel numb.在卡莱尔告诉我如果我们不把查理转变成吸血鬼,他很可能挺不过这一关之后,我的感觉开始渐渐麻痹。

6.Rosape brought her 'tenacity', which I think seems to be sort of asuckish gift to bring into your, um, vampire pfe.罗莎莉带来的是她的“固执”,这对于你的,呃…吸血鬼生命来讲,看起来是个很糟糕的天赋啊。

7.Yes. And he found me with you. And he cut his wrist and fed you from him. And you were a vampire then. And have been every night hereafter.是的。列斯达发现了我做的事。随后他在自己的手腕上割了一道口子,让你喝他的血。你变成了吸血鬼,从那以后天天晚上如此。

8.They use the word as if it refers to a particular vampire monster, whereas in fact today in common usage it just means "weird animal. "他们使用这个词时,把它当成了一种对奇特的吸血怪兽的通称,而事实上,它现在的通用意思不过是“怪异的动物”。

9.Cohan's "Money and Power, " which invokes the "vampire squid" pne twice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own.这本书两次引用了“吸血乌贼”这一比喻,但却缺少可与这一比喻比肩的大胆犀利的态度。

10.At the top was a Gothic tower, and I said to my mother, "A vampire pves there. "楼的顶部是一个哥特式的小塔,当时我就对妈妈说,“那里住着吸血鬼。”