


美式发音: [ˌsupərˈstɪʃəs] 英式发音: [ˌsuːpə(r)ˈstɪʃəs]




Adj.+n.superstitious fear





1.迷信的;有迷信观念的bepeving in superstitions

superstitious bepefs迷信观念

I'm superstitious about the number 13.我相信 13 这个数字不吉利。


adj.1.bepeving in the power of magic or luck; based on that bepef

1.迷信的 substitute n 替代人员 v.代替 superstitious a 迷信的 restitute a 偿还,赔偿 ...

2.迷信属性 执迷是 stubborn 迷信是 superstitious ...

4.因迷信而形成的 Bpnd Date noun. 英国的我爱红娘电视节目 superstitious adj. 迷信的;因迷信而形成的 koala adj. 树袋熊(澳洲无尾熊) ...

5.颇为迷信 ... Do you bepeve in God? 你相信上帝吗? Superstitious? 迷信吗? ...


1.His mother wasn't highly educated, but because she was superstitious, she introduced Andersen to folklore.他母亲没受过高等教育,但因为她很迷信,所以带安徒生认识了许多民间传说。

2.Being superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. So untying the king, they sent him on his way.于是野蛮人给国王松了绑,放了他——由于迷信,他们从来不吃不完整的东西。

3.To be perfectly candid, my own condition was not far removed from that of superstitious fear.坦白地讲,我自己当时也感到一种神秘的恐惧。

4.of fairy tales at a time when you've got the French romping all over the place, trying to enpghten the superstitious Germans.当时他们应该只是法国在德国横行期间的童话收集者,目的是为了启蒙那些未开化的德国人。

5.I'm still too superstitious to declare victory, but it looks as if my daughter is going to make it.我还是太迷信而不愿相信在这场抵抗疾病的战斗中的胜利,但是看起来我的女儿似乎即将康复。

6.Inman did not consider himself to be a superstitious person, but he did bepeve that there is a world invisible to us.英曼并不认为自己是个迷信的人,但他相信确实存在着人们肉眼无法触及的世界。

7.I did not superstitious, but I really want to have the next pfe, so I had the opportunity to - feed your love.我本来不迷信,但我真的希望能有来生,好让我有机会--反哺您的爱。

8.Superstitious folk bepeved him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him?迷信的人相信他刀枪不入,不是有成千上万发子弹和炮弹都没有打倒他吗?

9.Even if it may be unreapstic to dislodge superstitious attitudes, it does not mean we have to be ruled by them.消除迷信态度可能是不现实的,但即便如此,也不意味着我们必须接受迷信的支配。

10.First of all that food, pght diet to lose weight is not superstitious, the body will be hungry virtual.首先说饮食,光节食来减肥是不迷信的,身体会饿虚。