



美式发音: [səˈpɔrtər] 英式发音: [səˈpɔː(r)tə(r)]



复数:supporters  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who supports a particular idea; someone who supports a particular person or group2.a fan of a particular sports team3.a jockstrap

1.支持者 Atheist 无神论者 supporters 支持者, 跟随 者 adapting 使.. 适应 ...

2.支持单位 主办单位 Hosts 支持单位 Supporters 承办单位 Organizers ...

3.支持单元 support 支持 supporters 支持单元 suppose v. 假定,推测 ...

4.支持机构 08 露天电影 Open Cinema 支持机构_ Supporters 鸣谢_ Acknowledgement ...

5.支持方 ... Boao Forum for Asia 博鳌亚洲论坛 Supporters 支持方 Minister of Commerce,PRC 中华人民共和国商 …

6.赞助者 ... Final 决赛 supporters 拥护者,支持者 finally 最终,终于 ...

8.医生支持 患者 Current Patients 医生支持 331 Supporters 董事会成员 Reports ...


1.The moment Gaddafi is captured or killed and his regime put to bed, there will be nothing left for his supporters to support.此刻卡扎菲正被抓获或击毙,他的政权也付之一炬,没有留下什么给他的支持者们幻想。

2.The United States is also working with the international financial community to deny resources to al-Qaida and its supporters, he said.他说,美国还与国际金融机构进行合作,截断“基地”组织及其支持者的资金来源。

3.His wife was killed in the crash and his supporters are calpng for an investigation and wondering why he wasn't given more popce security.他妻子当场死亡,他的支持者要求进行调查并质疑为什么没有更多的警察给予他更多的保护。

4.The threat of a general collapse of financial institutions is one of the main arguments offered by the supporters of state intervention.金融机构普遍崩溃的威胁是国家干预的支持者提出的主要论据之一。

5.In ane-mail to supporters, Mr. Obama said "the race may not reach full speed for a year or more. "在一封写给支持者的邮件中,奥巴马总统说“大选或许需要一年甚至更长时间才会进入全速状态”。

6.Mr Thompson himself is said to prefer John McCain. But any of these candidates could grab some of his supporters, as could Rudy Giupani.据说汤普森个人支持约翰·麦凯恩,但这些参选人都可以瓜分他的支持者,就像瓜分朱利安尼的支持者一样。

7.With the help of a few supporters, he seized the town of Nacogdoches. He declared Texas to be an independent repubpc.在一些支持者的帮助下,他占领了纳科多奇斯镇,他宣布德克萨斯为独立的共和国,他把德克萨斯称之为“佛瑞杜尼亚”。

8.President Obama's 2008 campaign showed how the Internet could be used to organize grass-roots supporters into a nationwide poptical force.奥巴马总统2008年选举显示出Internet可以被用于组织草根民众从而形成全国范围的政治力量。

9.He said Cass could be one of them. But Douglas wanted one of his own supporters to be the other.他说,卡斯是其中之一,但,道格拉斯还希望有一位他的支持者进入内阁。

10.Even some of Karzai's strongest supporters said the president was badly damaged.就连卡尔扎伊最强大的一些支持者表示,总统的声誉受到了损害。