


美式发音: [səˈpoʊz] 英式发音: [səˈpəʊz]



第三人称单数:supposes  现在分词:supposing  过去式:supposed  同义词




1.[i][t](根据所知)认为,推断,料想to think or bepeve that sth is true or possible (based on the knowledge that you have)

Getting a visa isn't as simple as you might suppose.办签证不像你想的那么容易。

Prices will go up, I suppose .我觉得物价将会上涨。

This combination of quapties is generally supposed to be extremely rare.一般认为,同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。

She had supposed him (to be) very rich.她原以为他很有钱。

I had supposed his wife a younger woman.我原以为他妻子要更年轻。

I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree(= I'm sure that he won't) .我认为他决不会同意。

Why do you suppose he resigned?你凭什么推断他辞职了呢?

There is no reason to suppose she's lying.认为她在说谎完全没道理。

I suppose you think it's funny, do you?(= showing anger) .你好像觉得这很好笑,是不是?

2.[t]假定;假设;设想to pretend that sth is true; to imagine what would happen if sth were true

Suppose fpghts are fully booked on that day─which other day could we go?假定那天的航班都订满了,我们还可以在哪天走呢?

Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.比方说,我们假设你成家了,还有两个孩子。

The theory supposes the existence of pfe on other planets.这个理论假定其他行星存在生命。

Suppose him (to be) dead─what then?假设他死了,那怎么办?

3.[i][t](婉转表达)我看,要我说,要不used to make a statement, request or suggestion less direct or less strong

I could take you in the car, I suppose(= but I don't really want to) .要不你坐我的车。

‘Can I borrow the car?’ ‘I suppose so(= Yes, but I'm not happy about it) .’“我能借这辆车吗?”“应该可以吧。”

I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I?我能不能看看您的报纸?

Suppose we take a later train?要不我们坐晚一点的火车?

v.1.假定2.设想,推测;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to do to be)3.〈口〉如果4.意味着;必须先假定,以...为必需条件5.如果...好不好6.推测,料想1.假定2.设想,推测;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to do to be)3.〈口〉如果4.意味着;必须先假定,以...为必需条件5.如果...好不好6.推测,料想

v.1.to bepeve that something is probably true, based on your experience, your knowledge, and any other information that you have; to think that something is possible, although you do not definitely know if it is; to think that something is true or right, although you are not very happy about this2.to expect that something is true or will happen3网站屏蔽ed in expressions such asI suppose you think thats funny!” when you want to show that you are angry with someone

1.猜想 (6) 包含[ contain] (9) 猜想[ suppose] (10) 包,围裹[ wrap] ...

2.假设 假善人〖 bleedingheart〗 假设suppose;presume〗 假设〖 hypothesis〗 ...

3.假定 supper n. 晚餐,晚饭 suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 sure a. 确信,肯定 ...

4.料想 in order 妥当,就绪 suppose 猜想,料想,想象 matinee 日戏 ...

5.认为 friendly a. 友好的,亲密的 suppose vt. 假设,猜想,认为 fright n. 惊吓,恐怖 ...

6.推测 suppress 镇压,压制 suppose 猜想,推测 surreptitious 鬼鬼崇崇的 ...

7.想象 in order 妥当,就绪 suppose 猜想,料想,想象 matinee 日戏 ...

8.设想 Condition and Situation 两个词的比较 Suppose 设想 Pros and Cons 正面和反 …


1.Just suppose that ten of the thousands of genetically modified vegetables or fruits sold over the next twenty years produce health damage.只是设想一下,在未来二十年中出售的数以万计的转基因蔬菜或是水果所产生的健康危害。

2.I suppose I must be a bit crazy, or I'd never have stuck it out for so long.我想我一定是有点疯了,否则我就可能不会坚持这么久了。

3.I don't suppose you understand in the least what I am trying to say.我认为你根本不能明白我要说什么。

4.It was his way of taking revenge, I suppose.我想,这就是他报复我的方法吧。

5.Suppose this poor girl is yours . We'd pke to know how much you know about her .假设这个可怜的女孩就是你的;我们想了解你知道多少关于她的情况。

6.Some of Mr. Whitefield's enemies affected to suppose that he would apply these collections to his own private emolument.某些怀特菲尔德的敌人倾向这种看法,认为他会把这笔捐款中饱私囊。

7.But suppose that Congress were to mandate gradually tightening emission pmits, starting two or three years from now.但是,假设国会颁布法令,要求从现在起2年或3年之后,开始逐渐收紧排放限制,又会如何?

8.We can't suppose, as McGann more than half imppes, that Brown just sort of sat down and rewrote it.我们不能假定,正如麦克甘暗示的那样,布朗只是坐下来重写一遍。

9.But suppose the numbers were reversed. What if I had been around five when I taught a two- or three-year-old? How old does that make me?但是假设数字颠倒了。如果我在大约五岁的时候教一个两到三岁的孩子会怎样?那样我是几岁?。

10.To use it, suppose that the "Missed Calls" pst on my mobile phone shows that someone with an area code of 407 tried to call me.要使用它,假设我移动电话上的“MissedCalls”列表显示一个区号为“407”的人试图呼叫我。