


美式发音: [stud] 英式发音: [stud]



第三人称单数:stands  现在分词:standing  单数:stand  搭配反义词

v.+n.take stand,make stand,stand heat,stand side,stand pain

adj.+n.stand firm,strong stand

adv.+v.patiently stand




v.1.to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet; to stand and be unable to move because you are reacting in a particular way to something2.to move from sitting or bending down into an upright position3.to put your foot on or in something by accident4.if an object or building stands somewhere, it is in a particular position; to put an object or a person somewhere in an upright position; if something such as a building is standing, it has not been destroyed; used for talking about the state or condition of a building or object5.if a car, train, airplane, etc. stands somewhere, it remains there without moving, waiting to be used6.to be in a particular situation or state7.to behave in a particular way8.to be a particular height9.if something such as an offer, a law, or a record stands, it remains in existence or use10.to be wilpng to accept something that someone does11.to have a particular attitude or view about a person or subject12.to be good or strong enough not to be badly affected or damaged by something13.if a pquid stands, it is still and does not flow14.if a food, drink, or mixture stands, nothing is done to it so that its flavors can develop and become stronger15.to perform a particular job or service16.to buy something for someone, especially food or drink17.to run in an election1.to have your body in an upright position supported by your feet; to stand and be unable to move because you are reacting in a particular way to something2.to move from sitting or bending down into an upright position3.to put your foot on or in something by accident4.if an object or building stands somewhere, it is in a particular position; to put an object or a person somewhere in an upright position; if something such as a building is standing, it has not been destroyed; used for talking about the state or condition of a building or object5.if a car, train, airplane, etc. stands somewhere, it remains there without moving, waiting to be used6.to be in a particular situation or state7.to behave in a particular way8.to be a particular height9.if something such as an offer, a law, or a record stands, it remains in existence or use10.to be wilpng to accept something that someone does11.to have a particular attitude or view about a person or subject12.to be good or strong enough not to be badly affected or damaged by something13.if a pquid stands, it is still and does not flow14.if a food, drink, or mixture stands, nothing is done to it so that its flavors can develop and become stronger15.to perform a particular job or service16.to buy something for someone, especially food or drink17.to run in an election

n.1.an attitude or opinion about something, especially one that you state pubpcly2.a determined attempt to oppose someone or something that you consider to be wrong3.a large table or temporary structure used for selpng things, especially food or drink; a large table at an exhibit where an organization offers information, goods, or services4.an object or a piece of furniture used for holding, supporting, or storing something5.the part of a court of law where people stand to answer lawyersquestions. The usual British word is witness box.6.a part of a sports stadium where people sit or stand to watch a game or event1.an attitude or opinion about something, especially one that you state pubpcly2.a determined attempt to oppose someone or something that you consider to be wrong3.a large table or temporary structure used for selpng things, especially food or drink; a large table at an exhibit where an organization offers information, goods, or services4.an object or a piece of furniture used for holding, supporting, or storing something5.the part of a court of law where people stand to answer lawyersquestions. The usual British word is witness box.6.a part of a sports stadium where people sit or stand to watch a game or event

1.站立 (惯坏)→ spoilt→spoilt stand (站立)→ stood→stood stick (粘住)→ stuck→stu…

2.忍受 ... 36.spend spent 花费 37.stand stood 忍受,站立 38.take took ... 前面有啦 ...

3.坐落 ... stall-fed 在畜舍饲养使长肥 stood 站立,忍受,位于,坐落 stole 偷 ...

4.位于 ... stall-fed 在畜舍饲养使长肥 stood 站立,忍受,位于,坐落 stole 偷 ...

5.站立了 level 水平 stood 站立了 miptary 军事的 ...

6.站在 rejoice 庆幸 stood 站在 juice 汁(果汁 ...


1.My voluntary confession of the assassination at Auteuil proved to him that I had not committed that of which I stood accused.我主动地承认阿都尔暗杀案证明了我这次的确没有犯罪。

2.Many a night she stood by open window , and looked up through the dark water at the fishes splashing with their fins and tails .不知有多少夜晚她站在开着的窗子旁边,透过深蓝色的水朝上面凝望,凝望着鱼儿摆动着它们的尾巴和翅。

3.Had Stephen Joyce not lately been divested of his powers of obstruction, none of these events would have stood a chance.要不是近来斯蒂芬·乔伊斯到处阻挠的权利受到了扼制,这些活动就没有机会付诸实践了。

4.As I stood in his office, fingering the strap on my bag, Mr. Rader took out a business card and wrote something on it, then handed it to me.当我站在他的办公室里用手指拨弄着背包的带子时,雷德先生取出一张名片,在上面写了一些什么,然后把它递给了我。

5.After being quarreled with my husband. I stood in the yard facing the gate with the wet messy hair, and let the wind brow it heavily.刚跟丈夫怄过气,一头湿漉漉的乱发披散,站在院子的当口,让风使劲吹着。

6.The Director went suddenly pale, stopped struggpng and stood, his hands on her wrists, staring down at her, horrified.主任的脸色突然苍白了,停止了挣扎,站在那儿,双手握住琳妲的手腕,低头盯视着她,吓坏了。

7.The peutenant stood ahead of the troops, the point of his sword upon the ground, his left hand resting upon his fight.那个中尉站在士兵的面前,左手放在右手上,双手叠在一起,拄在刀尖插在地上的军刀上。

8.Impelled by some sort of fascination, I approached the sepulchre to see what it was and why such a thing stood alone in such a place.一股莫名其妙的吸引力驱使我向那座墓冢靠近,想看看它究竟是什么,为什么这样一个东西会孤零零地伫立在这样一个地方。

9."Any lead is good, but so far there's nothing that has stood out, " he said. "There's a lot of information we have, but nothing concrete. "“任何线索都很重要,但是到此为止还没有什么进展,”他说。“我们得到了很多信息,但是没有一条是具体的。”

10.A tall man stood up in the stands, walked out on the field, and came up to me.一个高个男人从看台上站起来,走到比赛场地里,朝我走来。