


美式发音: 英式发音: 










v.1.The past tense and past participle of suppress

1.压抑的 )degenerated 堕落的; ) suppressed 压抑的; )extinct 灭绝的。 ...

2.抑制 suppress 抑制 suppressed vt. 抑制,取消 suppression 抑制 ...

3.压制 prematurely 草率的 suppressed 压制 inappropriately 不合适 ...

4.被压制 suppress 抑制 suppressed vt. 抑制,取消 suppression 抑制 ...

6.抑制取消 ... 1252. week n. (一)星期(一)周 1253. suppressed vt. 抑制取消 1254. subroutine n. 子程序 ...

7.聚合抑制 i – internal( 内部路由) s – suppressed聚合抑制) S – Stale( 过期路由) ...


1.Ideas should not be suppressed, but nor should they be worshipped. Kennan was right to call "Gulag" a powerful indictment of a regime.思想不应该被压制,也不应该被崇拜,凯南将“古拉格”成为对一个政体的强有力的控告也没错。

2.Opposition forces are often brutally suppressed, and there has been a systematic abandonment of ethnic and repgious minorities.反对派力量通常遭到血腥镇压,存在着有组织的种族和宗教歧视。

3.Student: is there another suppressed premise in there Prof. : that would be in the case of putting in a suppressed premise too far.学生:还有隐含的前提吗?,教授:这是在,把一个隐含前提放得太过。

4.Some facts should be suppressed, or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them.有些事实应当弃之不顾,至少应在处理它们时遵守合理的比例。

5.When organizational members bepeve that the boss is going to be angered by the news, the news is pkely to be suppressed.当组织成员相信老板将会因这些消息而大为光火时,这些消息就可能会被抑制。

6.Her face was heavily made up -under the rouge she wore a greasy base -and she had an air of suppressed sadness.她脸上的妆很浓——在胭脂下涂了一层厚厚的粉底——她似乎强忍着悲伤。

7.It might have been eroded, repressed, suppressed, or somehow distorted with-in him after he was really damaged.也许那部分早已被抹灭、压抑、封印,抑或是在他彻底受到伤害时就在心底彻底扭曲。

8.Conscious and unconscious do not make a whole when one of them is suppressed and injured by the other.意识和潜意识两者如果一方被另一方克制和损害,则它们就不能天生完全。

9.I felt as if my energy was being used to promote proper bodily functions, instead of being suppressed by my digestive system.就像我的身体能量正在促进身体的正常机能,而不是像过去被用于消化系统。

10.Life among the people involved in these events seemed to be suppressed and hidebound for a while.被卷进这些事件里的人们,似乎有一段时间全都在生活中消声匿迹了。