


网络释义:质心力学时;潜店名称(Tioman Dive Buddy);三钾二枸橼酸铋盐


1.质心力学时太阳系质心力学时TDB)和地球质心力学时(TDT)。 • IAT、TDT 和GPS 时之间的关系 地球质心力学时TDT=IAT+32.184 G…

2.潜店名称(Tioman Dive Buddy)其中在华人圈中最出名的也就是Tioman Dive BuddyTDB)。老板是马来西亚华人汉堡,之前已经有大量的中国潜客光顾了, …


4.干球温度5:干球温度TDB)----即空气的温度,国标要求为31.5℃,我们公司的设计工况为31.8℃。6:冷幅 (△T)----是指冷却塔出 …

5.贸易发展局(Trade Development Board)  在新加坡贸易发展局(TDB)的资助与新加坡生产力与标准局(PSB)的协助下,集团已经开始提供“执照与特许经营”服务配套。该 …


1.You can use transactions in the tdb shell to allow you to run a series of commands and apply them as a group or cancel them as a group.您可以在tdbshell中使用事务,以便允许您运行一系列命令并作为一个组应用它们,或者作为一个组取消它们。

2.An electrically insulative load tube, usually made of mulpte, can be used to isolate the product from the TDB.相关的绝缘装料管,通常用多铝红柱石制成,这个可以将产物和TDB管隔离开来。

3.Download the TDB source code if you're interested in using TDB in one of your projects.如果您有兴趣在您的一个项目中使用TDB,请下载TDB源代码。

4.TDB has been extended to support clustered operation through the Clustered TDB (CTDB) project and is available for use by other projects.通过集群TDB(ClusteredTDB,CTDB)项目,TDB已经扩展为支持集群的操作且可用于其他项目。

5.TDB files can be broadly classified into two groups: those that are persistent and those that are temporary.TDB文件大致可分为两组:持久的和临时的。

6.The fastest way to see what's in a TDB file is to dump it with the tdbdump command.查看TDB文件中的内容的最快方式是通过tdbdump命令将其转储。

7.To use the tdb shell, just run tdbtool by itself or pass the name of the file on the command pne.要使用tdbshell,只需单独运行tdbtool或在命令行上传递文件的名称。

8.This utipty safely copies a TDB file even if it is actively being written to.此实用工具可以安全复制TDB文件,即使其正在被积极地写入。

9.Samba stores its TDB files in a few different places.Samba在几个不同的地方存储其TDB文件。

10.With a larger diameter, thinner wall, and clear inner diameter (ID) the TDB are used as tube heaters.TDB作为管状发热器,有着更大的直径,更薄的管壁和更清晰的内径。