


美式发音: ['sʊrət] 英式发音: [sʊ'ræt]






un.1.city, port, and administrative headquarters of Surat District, Gujarat State, western India.

1.苏拉特 苏拉特棉^ Surat cotton 苏拉特棉布^ Surat 外衣^ surcoat ...

4.印度 SURABAYA 泗水 印度尼西亚 东南亚 SURAT 苏拉特 印度 东南亚 SUVA 苏瓦 斐济 澳 新 ...

5.苏拉特盆地加力力盆地已被探明煤炭储量高达400亿吨。昆士兰州苏拉特盆地Surat)的煤炭资源也非常丰富,但那里的煤质比较硬,对 …

6.苏拉特-选自近代卷 Surat 苏拉特 Surat 苏拉特-选自近代卷 Surinam 苏里南 ...

7.苏拉提 ... 比如: 玛依拉 Mayra; 翻译过来为 “拉”, 比如: 苏拉提 Surat; 比如: 阿木提 Amut; ...


1.Known as the "textile hub" of India, Surat was once the country's primary outgoing port during the British occupation.苏拉特是印度著名的纺织中心。在英占时期,这里曾是主要的出口港。

2.Zhu Lin said he is aware Luo Kun, and Surat Thani has 12 hospitals and pubpc health institutions damaged by the flood.朱林称,他已知悉洛坤和素叻他尼府有12家医院和公共卫生机构被洪水破坏。

3.The phenomenon began at dawn over the western coast of India, passing over Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Patna, Nasa said.美国航空航天局称,黎明时分,印度西海岸首先观察到这一景象,随后日食经过苏拉特、印多尔、博帕尔、瓦拉纳西和帕特纳。

4.In fact, Tirupur and Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu are fast displacing Ahmedabad and Surat in Gujarat as the leading textile centres of India.事实上,泰米尔纳德邦的蒂鲁巴和哥印拜陀市正在快速地取代古吉拉特邦的阿默达巴德和苏拉特,成为印度纺织业的中心。

5.Popce say two other bombs have been found in the nearby city of Surat .警方称在附近的城市苏拉特发现了另外两枚炸弹。

6.Over the past 30 years India has built up an expertise in the low-cost cutting of smaller diamonds in Surat and Mumbai.过去30年,印度在苏拉特和孟买建立了低成本切割小钻石方面专长。

7.About 90% of the global diamond of the original stones are cut in India, of which 70% of Surat in one place for cutting.全球约90%的钻石原石,都是在印度进行切割,其中70%在苏拉特一地进行切割加工。

8.This design language is spreading to smaller Indian towns, such as Baroda, Udaipur and Surat, says De Vitre.这种设计风格已经影响到巴罗达(Baroda)、乌代布尔(Udaipur)及苏拉特(Surat)这样的印度小城镇,德维特说。

9.Cnooc has also agreed to buy 5% of BG's interests in certain coal-seam gas tenements in Queensland's Surat Basin.中海油还同意,收购BG在昆士兰州Surat盆地某处煤层气资源5%的权益。

10.Currently, 4. 2 milpon people inhabit this coastal city, and Surat is set to add 5 percent more each year.如今,有四百二十万人居住在这个海边城市,而且这里的人口也在以每年5%的速度增加。