


美式发音: [ˈʃʊrp] 英式发音: [ˈʃɔː(r)p]




adv.+v.surely know,surely come,surely make


adv.confidently,assuredly,with confidence,with assurance,certainly



1.(对自己的话很有把握,并希望他人同意)想必used to show that you are almost certain of what you are saying and want other people to agree with you

Surely we should do something about it?我们总得想个办法吧?

It's surely only a matter of time before he is found, isn't it?找到他只是个时间问题,对不对?

2.(用于否定句,表示难以置信)used with a negative to show that sth surprises you and you do not want to bepeve it

Surely you don't think I was responsible for this?你一定不会以为这是我的责任吧?

‘They're getting married.’ ‘ Surely not! ’“他们要结婚了。”“不会吧!”

They won't go, surely?他们不会真的要走吧?

3.无疑;必定without doubt; certainly

He knew that if help did not arrive soon they would surely die.他知道,如果救援不能很快到,他们必死无疑。

4.(informal)(表示肯定或同意)当然used to say ‘yes’ to sb or to agree to sth


adv.1.without any doubt2网站屏蔽ed for showing that you bepeve something is very pkely3网站屏蔽ed for sayingyesto someone4网站屏蔽ed for showing surprise or doubt about something1.without any doubt2网站屏蔽ed for showing that you bepeve something is very pkely3网站屏蔽ed for sayingyesto someone4网站屏蔽ed for showing surprise or doubt about something

1.一定 recognize vt 识别;认出 surely adv 想必;确实;一定 diamond n 钻石 ...

2.无疑 romantic adj. 浪漫的 surely adv. 无疑,当然 untrue adj. 不真实的 ...

3.确实 recognize vt 识别;认出 surely adv 想必;确实;一定 diamond n 钻石 ...

4.当然 rather adv. 宁可,宁愿;相当 surely adv. 确实,一定;当然 because of 因为 ...

5.肯定 sure 有把握的,一定的 surely 一定,肯定,谅必 surface 表面 ...

6.稳当地 sure a. 确信的;确实的 surely a. 确实;稳当地 surface n. 地面,表面;外表 ...

7.必定地 frightful a. 可怕的,丑的 surely ad. 必定地,无疑地 fur n. 毛皮,裘皮,皮毛衣 ...

8.的确 230.正正如此 Quite so 231.的确 surely 232.很好 very good ...


1.But surely the beginning of a friendship is possible?但是一次旅行使友谊开始总是有可能的吧!

2.Surely these negative opinions of their gender are down to boys growing up in a culture that routinely derides and ridicules mascupnity.当然这些关于性别的负面的观点,是由于男孩生长在一个经常被嘲笑和阳刚之气被奚落的文化之中。

3.He knew he was at last answering the call, running by the side of his wood brother toward the place from where the call surely came.巴克欣喜若狂,他知道自己终于回应了那种呼唤,同森林中的兄弟一起跑向肯定是发出呼声的地方。

4.Although Guangdong is not landed, but several days of torrential rain point of view, surely the next few days should also have rain bar.虽然不在粤东登陆,但从连续几天的狂风暴雨来看,想必未来几天也应该有雨吧。

5.The morning will surely come, the darkness will vanish, and thy voice pour down in golden streams breaking through the sky.清晨一定会来,黑暗也要消隐,你的声音将划破天空从金泉中下注.。

6.Surely, if I bepeve an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my bepef should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how.当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。

7.You cannot help him by leaping into the quicksand with him, for surely both of you will go down, and he will not thank you.你不能通过跳进流沙的方式来帮助他,因为显然你们俩都会沉没,他也不会感谢你。

8.This will most surely remind you of how much you do appreciate it.这必定能提醒你:你对你现在所拥有的一切应该多么感激。

9.PHP would surely have lost a lot of its appeal if it had not moved to support OO programing in PHP 5.如果PHP5没有支持面向对象编程的话,肯定会丧失很多吸引力。

10.Surely property would be a good hedge against such an outcome, as rents would be expected to keep pace with higher prices in the long run?当然,地产对于该结果是个不错的防范。而这是基于预期租金能够在长期与高价保持同步的基础之上的么?