



美式发音: [sɜrf] 英式发音: [sɜː(r)f]




第三人称单数:surfs  现在分词:surfing  过去式:surfed  同义词





n.1.the waves of the ocean as they move onto a beach, falpng to produce foamwhite water

v.1.to ride on waves in the ocean on a surf board2.to look at various places one after another on the Internet or on television

1.世界的尽头 ... 史瑞克三世 Third 世界的尽头 Surfs 出埃及记 Exodus ...



1.TED mentions that Mulps invented PCR and surfs and seems to skim over a few other things.TED大会提到,Mupis发明了聚合酶链式反应技术的这一成就看起来可以盖过其他一些事。

2.Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his own name, to see what, if any, articles appear about himself.以此类推,网络自搜者(egosurfer)就是在网上搜索自己的名字,看会不会有跟自己相关的文章出现的人。

3.I may play volleyball once in a while , my friends play cards or to get on the Internet surfs and.偶尔我会打打排球,跟我的朋友们打牌或者上网冲浪。

4.While his population can only buy radios pre-set to one official frequency, Mr Kim surfs the web and styles himself as an internet expert.尽管他的子民们只能购买被预先设定在一个官方频率上的收音机,金正日自己却在网上冲浪,并自诩为互联网专家。

5.When we drew near the island, we found it was at a place where there could be no landing, there being a great surfs on the stony beach.在靠近长岛时,我们发现无法在该地登陆,因为那里的海滩海浪澎湃,乱石丛生。

6.Now he surfs three or four times a week. "It definitely has made me happier, " he says.现在他每周冲浪3或4次,“它确实让我更加快乐了”。

7.The electron therefore does not significantly outrun the plasma wave. Instead it surfs the wave, gaining energy all the way.所以电子并不会很明显的跑在电浆波的前面,而是乘著这股波一路获取能量。

8.Chinese popce rest against a barricade near a stage at the Modern Sky Music Festival as a fan in the background surfs the crowd.中国警方在摩登天空音乐节舞台下方的挡栏前休息,后面一个歌迷被大众高高托起。

9.This dude skydives, surfs, runs with the bulls -- anything for that rush.这家伙会跳伞,冲浪,参加公牛狂欢节---为了体验快感,他什么都愿意尝试。

10.The killer storm is now headed toward the Bahamas and bringing rough surfs to Florida.风暴正向巴哈马群岛移动,并给佛罗里达州带来了猛烈的巨浪。