



1.Safeguard procedures must be set around the equipment and use dry board with thickness of 30mm to make working horse block.在设备周围必须设置安全防护措施,用30mm厚的干燥木板做工作踏台。

2.This commemorative medalpon set includes 13 pieces, each made of gold-plated copper with a diameter of 30mm with coinage technology.此套纪念章共13枚,材质为铜质镀金,规格为直径30毫米,造币工艺制造。

3."With the exception of a 30mm high-explosive incendiary round typically associated with pght anti-aircraft artillery, " Trautman wrote.“除非是轻型防空炮常用的30mm高爆燃烧弹药”,特拉特曼写到。

4.White pnes are drawn on the floor of the Game Area, as shown in Figure 1. Each white pne is 30 mm wide.白线画在比赛区的地面上,如图1所示。每条白线宽30mm。

5.But to suggest that small venture funds of $30mm could possibly be creating systemic risk to the global financial system is ludicrous.但是,建议那些$30mm的小的投资基金可能对全球金融系统带来系统性风险是可笑的。

6.But after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor that December, the Napa's . 50. 30-capber Lewis machine guns saw heavy anti-aircraft duty.但是在十二月,日本人偷袭珍珠港后,纳帕号上30mm口径的路易斯机枪负起了重要的防空职责。

7.The driver's hip-point is just 30mm higher than it is in a 911, which promises unusual levels of athleticism in a big four door.司机的髋关节点就是三十零毫米高于它是在一个911,它的承诺不寻常的运动水平在四大门。

8.The adhesive has a sag resistance of 30mm on a vertical surface.这种胶粘剂在垂直表面有一个30毫米的抗流挂性。

9.Armed with four 30mm cannons and two 500-kilogram (1, 100-pound) bombs, the planned production model was also meant to pack a punch.它装备四只30mm的加农炮和两只500公斤(1000英镑)的炸弹设计样品还打算配装一只punch推进器。

10.Including a 30mm cannon, machine gun and 300 horsepower engine.它有30mm口径的加农,机关枪和300马力的发动机。