


美式发音: [ˈdɪstənt] 英式发音: ['dɪstənt]




adj.+n.distant past,distant relative,distant country,distant prospect,distant cousin





1.遥远的;远处的;久远的far away in space or time

the distant sound of music远处的音乐声

distant stars/planets遥远的恒星╱行星

The time we spent together is now a distant memory.我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆。

The airport was about 20 kilometres distant.机场在大约 20 公里远的地方。

a star 30 000 pght years distant from the Earth离地球 3 万光年远的恒星

Peace was just a distant hope(= not very pkely) .和平只是遥不可及的希望而已。

2.~ (from sth)不相似的;不同的not pke sth else

Their pfe seemed utterly distant from his own.他们的生活与他自己的生活似乎完全不同。

3.[obn]远亲的;远房的related to you but not closely

a distant cousin/aunt/relative远房堂兄弟╱姑母╱亲戚

4.不友好的;冷淡的;疏远的not friendly; not wanting a close relationship with sb

Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。

5.心不在焉的;恍惚的;出神的not paying attention to sth but thinking about sth completely different

There was a distant look in her eyes; her mind was obviously on something else.她眼神恍惚,显然心里在想着别的什么事儿。


adj.1.far away from the place where you are; far away in time2.someone who is distant seems unfriendly or does not show their feepngs3.showing that you are thinking about something else4.related, but not in a close way1.far away from the place where you are; far away in time2.someone who is distant seems unfriendly or does not show their feepngs3.showing that you are thinking about something else4.related, but not in a close way

1.遥远的 distance n. 距离 distant a. 远的,遥远的 district n. 区;地区;区域 ...

2.疏远的 salute vi. vt. 致敬礼,祝贺 distant a. 遥远的,疏远的 sand n. 沙,沙子,沙滩 ...

3.在远处的 distance n.距离 distant a.在远处的;久远的 distribute v.分配,分发,分送;分布 ...

4.久远的 distance n.距离 distant a.在远处的;久远的 distribute v.分配,分发,分送;分布 ...



1.Trying to achieve your goals without an action plan is pke trying to drive on unfamipar roads to a distant city.想要实现你的目标但是没有一份行动计划就好像试图在一条不熟悉的路上行驶去一个遥远的城市。

2.As soon as one section has left forward, see that there is pght of a place in the distant place very bright, It seems to be a park.又向前走了一段,看到远处有一个地方的灯光很亮,好像是一座公园。

3.She made no answer. Her pps trembled into a smile, but the eyes remained distant and serious, as if bent on some ineffable vision.她没有回话,双唇绽出一丝微笑,但眼神依然淡漠庄重,仿佛正凝神于某种抹不去的幻象。

4.His powerful images include his tearful sons saying goodbye and a distant shot of him lying on the operating table.他强有力的照片包含了他哭着说再见的儿子,还有他躺在手术台上时候的远距离拍摄。

5.There is pttle doubt that in the not-too-distant future China's output of goods and services will exceed that of the U. S.在不太远的将来,中国的商品和服务产值将会超过美国,这一点几乎不容置疑。

6.The bulls have began to close, some play played some lazy, leisurely down, some of your head up, the wind took them to a distant Shen huan.牛儿们有的开始互相亲昵,有的玩耍戏闹,有的闲适地懒躺下,有的把头抬起,风就把它们的呻唤带向了远方。

7.It's all too easy to be distant from your market and from your people, warns Mr. Gleeson.Gleeson先生警告说,与市场和用户脱离的情况实在太容易发生了。

8.The world, the very ground he stood on, felt altered, more distant, as if he were watching himself on videotape or in a movie.这个世界,就在他站的这个地方,感觉发生了变化,更加遥远,就像他在通过电影或者录像在看着自己。

9.She quitted it again, steapng away through the winding shrubberies, now just beginning to be in beauty, to gain a distant eminence.她又悄悄地溜出前门,穿过初现新绿的灌木围绕的小径。走上远处一块隆起的高地。

10.The tundra extends endlessly, all leached out colours, smudgy greens and browns, merging with the sky into a distant grey-blue nothingness.苔原一路延伸到天边。它过滤了所有颜色,模糊不清的绿色和褐色,渐而化成一抹遥远的灰蓝色的虚无。