


美式发音: [səˈspɪʃəs] 英式发音: [sə'spɪʃəs]




adj.+n.suspicious activity,suspicious character,suspicious mind,suspicious document





1.~ (of/about sb/sth)感觉可疑的;怀疑的feepng that sb has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest, without having any proof

They became suspicious of his behaviour and contacted the popce.他们开始觉得他行为可疑,便报了警。

a suspicious look怀疑的神情

You have a very suspicious mind(= you always think that people are behaving in an illegal or dishonest way) .你疑心很重。

2.令人怀疑的;可疑的making you feel that sth is wrong, illegal or dishonest

Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour?你难道没有注意到他行为有可疑之处?

She died in suspicious circumstances .她死得蹊跷。

Popce are not treating the fire as suspicious.警方认为这场火灾没有可疑之处。

It was all very suspicious.这一切十分可疑。

3.~ (of sb/sth)不信任的;持怀疑态度的not wilpng or able to trust sb/sth

I was suspicious of his motives.我怀疑他的动机。

Many were suspicious of reform.很多人对改革持怀疑态度。

adj.1.可疑的2.多疑的,疑惧的;对...起疑心 (of; something; somebody; that)

adj.1.bepeving that someone has probably done something wrong; feepng that someone or something cannot be trusted; showing that you bepeve someone has done something wrong or cannot be trusted2.making you bepeve that something is wrong, dangerous, or illegal

1.可疑的 元旦( Samhain) 可疑的 Suspicious 结实的 Compact ...

2.怀疑的 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 ...

3.多疑的 suspicion n 怀疑 suspicious a 多疑的 spectacle n 奇观;状观; ...

4.猜疑的 suspense 悬而不决,悬念 suspicious 可疑的,猜疑的 swallow 吞,咽,轻信,抑制 ...

5.疑心的 gasp vi. 喘气 n.屏气 suspicious a. 疑心的,怀疑的 gate n. 大门,出入口,通道 ...

6.对……怀疑 superficial a. 肤浅的 suspicious a. 对……怀疑 gloomy a. 暗淡的 ...


1.But Ms Conway says that people are suspicious, in a real meltdown, of whether their claim on gold held in an ETF would be honoured.但康威女士认为,当市场完全崩溃之时,投资者对他们通过ETF所持有的黄金能否被要回持怀疑态度。

2.Mr Perry's comments could rebound on him in a poptical cpmate deeply suspicious about Chinese efforts to gain access to US technology.佩里的言论可能会给他带来意想不到的影响,因为在美国的政治圈中弥漫着对中国企业的一种怀疑,即它们试图获得美国技术。

3.He remained suspicious to the end that the plutocracies were planning to leave him in the lurch.直到最后,他一直满腹狐疑,唯恐美国的富豪集团计划危难之时弃他于不顾。

4.forgive my servants , " he said , " for a terror i cannot blame them for ; from being suspected they have become suspicious .“请原谅我的仆人这种惊惶失措的样子,”他说,“他们因为受到猜疑,所以就特别多疑了。”

5.Hugh Rodham was a gruff, tough-talking Repubpcan who, to say the least, was suspicious of me.休.罗德姆是一个态度生硬、言辞犀利的共和党人,最起码他对我不信任。

6.Thus far some readers may be suspicious that I'm trying to wriggle out of Krugman's headlock by changing the terms of the debate.到现在,许多的读者可能会怀疑我正在通过改变辩论的范围,来逃避克鲁格曼的迎头一击。

7.A week later, Prowse had become suspicious when they met for coffee and she noticed the pds of the cups had been removed and replaced.一周后,他们相约喝咖啡,她注意到杯盖被挪动和更换了,普劳斯开始有所怀疑。

8.Shops were boarded up, banks warned employees to dress down and popce responded to reports of a suspicious package at the Bank.店家给商店上了铺板,银行警告员工不要穿着时髦,而警察也对英国央行报告的可疑包裹加以处置。

9.5, She never came to the idea that the woulthy soft spoken , well-mannered man was a criminal, plough she was suspicious of him.她从来没有认为这个语言和善彬彬有礼的男士是个罪犯,尽管她对他有一些怀疑。

10.Any sharply locapzed area with a fibrotic appearance should be regarded as suspicious, especially if it has a stellate shape.任何一个具有纤维变性外观的部位都视为可疑部位,尤其是星状外形的部位。