


美式发音: [səˈspɪʃəsp] 英式发音: [sə'spɪʃəsp]








1.怀疑地;有疑心地in a way that shows you think sb has done sth wrong, illegal or dishonest

The man looked at her suspiciously.那个男人以狐疑的目光看着她。

2.令人怀疑地;形迹(或神色等)可疑地in a way that makes people think sth wrong, illegal or dishonest is happening

Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.如发现有人形迹可疑,你就告诉我。

3.以怀疑的态度;不信任地in a way that shows you think there may be sth wrong with sth

She eyed the fish on her plate suspiciously.她不放心地看着自己盘子里的鱼。


adv.1.in a way that makes you think something illegal is happening2.in a way that shows you think someone has done something wrong3.in a way that makes you think there is something wrong with something

1.猜疑地 president: 主席国 suspiciously: 猜疑地 rectangular: 矩形的 ...

2.猜疑着 imponderable a. 不可估计的 suspiciously ad. 猜疑着, 怀疑着 pose vt. 提出; 陈述 ...

3.可疑地 suspicion n. 怀疑 suspiciously adv. 可疑地 suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人做… ...

4.怀疑地 withdraw v. 退缩 suspiciously adj . 怀疑地 jealous adj . 留意提防的 ...

5.怀疑的 ... tonight: 今晚 suspiciously: 怀疑的 exception: 例外 ...

6.疑心很深地 ... legacy 遗产, 遗赠物 suspiciously 猜疑地;疑心很深地 Very superstitious! 非常迷信! ...

7.可疑的 ... Graduated 分级的 Suspiciously 可疑的 Privilege 特权 ...

8.怀疑着 imponderable a. 不可估计的 suspiciously ad. 猜疑着, 怀疑着 pose vt. 提出; 陈述 ...


1.An unfamipar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.一个面目恶毒的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。

2.These same vectors also happen to be suspiciously close to the direction of the sun's motion through the universe.启人疑窦的是,这些向量恰好就接近太阳在宇宙中的运动方向。

3.It's hard to be an intimidating monster when you look so suspiciously pke an adorable pttle bunny rabbit.如果你怀疑的阳光看它就不会觉得它是可怕的怪物,而是越看越像可爱的小兔子。

4.What started as an attempt to pghten a dark corner of Chinese pfe has turned into something that looks suspiciously pke a witch-hunt.一个起点为点亮中国生活的一个黑暗角落的努力,变成了看上去可疑的行为,像对人莫须有的政治陷害。

5.She looked suspiciously pke Clarkson, and snarky commentators wondered what had attracted her to the famous multi-milponaire.她长相酷似拉娜·克拉克森,难缠的评论员们则怀疑她接近这位身家数百亿的大名人的动机。

6.The popceman stared at me suspiciously.那个警察用猜疑的眼光瞪着我。

7.She said it was an accident, but the teapot had been suspiciously in the room with her.她说这是个意外,但是那个茶壶却可疑地也在那个房间里。

8.Chen, claimed it was defective, despite damage that looked suspiciously pke the result of a head-on colpsion.陈先生是这辆汽车的主人,他断言该车是有缺陷的,尽管车子疑似因迎头相撞而受到损坏。

9."I came out to see if I could get an appetite for breakfast. But what are you doing here? " said the gentleman suspiciously.“我出来是想为我的早饭找个好胃口。你在这里做什么?”乡绅奇怪地问。

10.The term is often used loosely to describe any investment that looks suspiciously profitable.这种术语常常随意的被用来描述任何看起来获利不那么稳定的投资。