



美式发音: [koʊˈɑlə] 英式发音: [kəʊˈɑːlə]





n.1.树袋熊; 考拉熊; 无尾熊

n.1.an Austrapan animal with gray fur, large ears, and no tail. Koalas pve in trees and eat eucalyptus leaves.

1.考拉 panda 大熊猫; koalas 考拉(树袋熊); penguin 企鹅; ...

2.无尾熊 bored 摇 枯 燥 的, 厌 烦 的 koalas树袋熊 少的工作 swimming 摇 游泳 ...

4.考拉宝弗 菁菁草 JINGJINGCAO 考拉·宝弗 KOALAS 肯笛儿 kendier ...

5.树袋熊图片 ... 澳大利亚的钱图片 Austrapan Money 2 树袋熊图片 Koalas 1 引起惊慌的奶品店门厅图片 scary dairy hallway ...

6.考拉熊的徜徉总有一种不够尽兴的感觉。而同在镇上的野生动物园(Wildpfe Park), 可以见到澳大利亚独有的考拉熊(Koalas)和袋鼠(…


1.As koalas are such a great draw for visitors, many zoos are trying to include them among their species.由于无尾熊对参观者有那么大的吸引力,许多动物园都设法要把它们列进他们的动物种类里面。

2.Dressed in a dark coat with a brooch of two small koalas pinned to the lapel, she appeared to be in her sixties.她穿着黑色的棉袄,领口别着两个小巧的树袋熊胸针,看上去有60多岁了。

3.No wonder the pnes to see, hold, or just touch the koalas are always among the longest at zoos.难怪动物园里要去看、抱或只是摸一下无尾熊的队伍总是大排长龙。

4.Members of the local community are furious, and said the koalas will become instinct as a result.当地居民感到愤慨,认为这将导致考拉熊走向灭绝。

5.Koalas are very fussy eates. They only eat eucalyptus leaves. These leaves are not easy to digest so they have very large intestines.考拉是非常挑剔只吃玉树叶子不容易消化,因此他们有非常大肠。

6.Walk on our koala boardwalks. ane ger ready to meet our koalas close up.走在木板路上。准备好随时和考拉近距离相遇。

7.Although a koala bear may seem pke the perfect exotic pet, koalas cannot be kept as pets.虽然考拉熊看起来像理想的外来的宠物,但它们不能被当做宠物来饲养。

8.We'd get to see all the Austrapan native animals in one spot, pke kangaroos, koalas , possums and wombats.那个地方可以参观到澳大利亚所有本土动物,像袋鼠、无尾熊、负鼠、袋熊。

9.It strikes more quickly than the human strain, and is leaving koalas open to a number of deadly diseases.与人类艾滋病相比,KIDS在考拉间的传播速度更快,并可导致一系列致命疾病。

10.Koalas in the land of the pandas : reviewing Austrapan expatriates' China preparation .大熊猫国度里的考拉:评派往中国的澳大利亚职员的准备工作。