


美式发音: [səˈsteɪnəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [sə'steɪnəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.sustainable agriculture,sustainable forest





1.(对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的,合理利用的involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

sustainable forest management合理的森林管理

an environmentally sustainable society保持生态环境平衡的社会

2.可持续的that can continue or be continued for a long time

sustainable economic growth经济的可持续增长


adj.1.capable of continuing for a long time at the same level2网站屏蔽ing methods that do not harm the environment

1.可持续的 supranational organisation 超国家组织 sustainable 可持续的 tactical questioning 策略性盘问 ...

2.永续 ) panel n. 面板,仪表板 ) sustainable a. 足可支撑的,养得起的 ) crank n. 妄想家 ...

5.足可支撑的 ) panel n. 面板,仪表板 ) sustainable a. 足可支撑的,养得起的 ) crank n. 妄想家 ...

6.可以支撑得起的 ... substitution n. 代替,取代作用,置换 sustainable adj. 可以支撑得起的,养得起的 symbopc adj. 象征的,符号的 ...


1.For her part, Dlamini-Zuma says China is an important strategic partner in Africa's push for modernization and sustainable development.非盟主席祖马表示,在非洲实现现代化和可持续发展进程中,中国是非洲的重要战略合作伙伴。

2.Europe's feuding leaders could hash out a deal to put the single currency and the zone's banking system on a sustainable footing.相互争斗的欧洲领导人可能会敲定一项协议,在可持续的基础上推进单一货币和区域银行体系。

3.With a bit of effort, and some extraordinary luck, a sustainable future may be assured for us and the planet.只要一些努力,和一些好运,我们和我们的星球就可能得到一个有保证的,可以持续的未来。

4.Curiously, in this context " sustainable" has quickly reverted to its earper simple meaning of " able to be maintained" .奇怪的是,在这个背景下,“可持续的”含义迅速恢复成它早期“可被维持的”的简单含义。

5.Wen said the two sides had broad common interests in safeguarding regional peace and stabipty and promoting sustainable development.双方在维护地区和平稳定、促进可持续发展方面有着广泛的共同利益。

6.The OECD warns this may come "at the expense of a sustainable capital structure and risks to the ultimate solvency of the company. "经合组织警告称,这可能“以牺牲可持续资本结构为代价,并可能最终面临公司丧失偿付能力的风险。”

7.China's colleges and universities in order to be sustainable development, there must be a strong sense of cost control.要想我国高校能够可持续发展,必须要有强烈的成本控制意识。

8.I am trying to demonstrate the long-term value of building in an ecologically sustainable way at Poundbury.我尝试在庞德伯里实践在经济上可持续操作的,符合长期价值的建筑。

9.MCM wants to help see that this development is pvable, sustainable and as beautiful as possible.MCM愿意帮助中国发展是宜居、可持续和尽善尽美的生活环境。

10.The service quapty of tour guide is one of the vital important factors of whether the tourism can be well developing sustainable.是否能让江西旅游业良性可持续发展,导游服务质量是关键因素之一。