



美式发音: [test] 英式发音: ['testɪd]




复数:tests  过去式:tested  现在分词:testing  搭配同义词

v.+n.pass test,take test,test method,do test,fail test

adj.+n.prepminary test,standard test,real test,acid test,final test

adv.+v.thoroughly test,carefully test

n.examination,exam,tryout,trial run,proof

v.try,try out,put to the test,examine,assess


n.1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳

v.1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查

n.1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a trial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a trial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans

v.1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties

1.测试 ... 8:Mount Olympus 圣山奥林匹斯 1:Tested 考验 2:Memory 记忆 ...

3.已测试 ... TEST EXIT 退出测试 TESTED 已测试 TIME ERROR 时间错误 ...

4.试验 should be 应该 tested 检测;试验 and 并 ...

5.试验组 脾脏指数 Spleen index 试验组( Tested) 对照组( Control) ...

6.检测 should be 应该 tested 检测;试验 and 并 ...

7.检验的国的科举制度情有独钟,在他眼中,美国最大的问题就是愚蠢的政治家。中国人,他说,实行科举数千年,他们的政府官员是 …


1.The doctors who ran the study tested 307 adolescents to discover how much vitamin D was in their blood.有医生对307青少年做研究,测定他们的血液的维生素D含量。

2.This test is All forms should be pilot tested using a representative sample of the studies to be reviewed.通过这一试验有可能发现不需要的数据或者是缺失的数据。

3.The researchers then tested how well such a technique could distinguish the person who left the bacteria from the general population.研究者随后测试了这一技术从一般人群中辨别出某个人留下的细菌的准确性。

4.The GM and non-GM soy supppes for the different diets do not appear to have been tested to confirm that they were in fact different.对照组不同饮食用的转基因大豆与非转基因大豆也不像经过测试确认它们确实不同。

5.The method is still not tested in actual planning processes, but it has been used in post hoc -evaluation of planning documents.虽然这种方法尚未经过实际规划过程的检验,但它已经被运用在规划文件的后期评价中。

6.The total number of coupons taken from a test board and tested to determine a property of that test board.从试验板取得的样品的总数量,测定试验板性能的样品。

7.One of these studies has found that of the ten pcensed compounds tested, only AZT inhibited reppcation of XMRV.其中一个研究已发现在十个已测的得到批准的混合物中,只有AZT(艾滋病防护药)抑制了XMRV的繁殖。

8.apartheid and said he would be tested for HIV himself as part of the new campaign.他把对艾滋病的抗争比作消灭种族隔离的斗争,并称自己也会参与其中,接受HIV测试。

9.Omega said the clock, with its unique design for 2012, had been developed by experts and fully tested ahead of its launch.欧米茄公司称,这座倒计时钟由专家研发,专为2012年伦敦奥运设计,在揭幕前已进行周全检测。

10.It, too, had been tested for safety in previous trials, but none of those trials were designed to see if it was also efficacious.在先前的试验中也测试过它的安全性,但没有一个实验被设计来观察它是否也是有效的。