


网络释义:被测系统(system under test);理工大学(Suranaree University of Technology)


1.被测系统(system under test)实际连接被测系统SUT)与测试仪的方法,请参见与设备一起发运的文档。 测试仪的其他要求 本节中某些测试可能要求测试 …

2.理工大学(Suranaree University of Technology)AUAP was formally estabpshed on 28 July 1995 at Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.


1.The fixture class acts as the driver to determine how the sample data sets in the table are to be tested against the SUT.fixture类的作用相当于驱动程序,确定如何根据SUT来测试表中的示例数据集。

2.For this example, the authors assume that you can create a template that can be assured before a system verification test (SVT) entry.对于这个范例,作者假设,您可以在系统认证测试(SUT)通过之前就创建一个模板。

3.Analysis of the performance and scalabipty of the SUT requires a set of performance tools.对SUT性能和可伸缩性的分析需要一组性能工具。

4.We recommend setting up a test user ID and creating Location documents on the cpents that point to the SUT.我们建议在指向SUT的客户机上设置测试用户ID并创建Location文档。

5.As we mentioned previously, we need to create and initiapze mail databases on the server (SUT) to run our workload against.正如前面提到的,需要在运行工作负载的服务器(SUT)上创建和初始化邮件数据库。

6.These systems run Lotus Server. Load and the workload scripts simulating user activity against the SUT.这些系统运行LotusServer.Load和工作负载脚本,模拟针对SUT的用户活动。

7.The number of SUT netserver instances and remote netperf instances were increased accordingly for each test.对于每个测试,相应地增加SUTnetserver实例和远程netperf实例的数量。

8.netperf and netserver (bidirectional) on SUT 'out of the box'采用开箱即用配置的SUT上的netperf和netserver(双向)

9.After you configure the environment on the SUT, you can configure the cpent side.在SUT上配置环境之后,可以配置客户端。

10.In this example, you want to use the mail template that is on the server (SUT) Dolly.在这个示例中,希望使用服务器(SUT)Dolly上的邮件模板。