


美式发音: 英式发音: 



网络释义:短波(short wave);西南(southwest);承插焊的(socket welded)



1.短波short wave

SW and LW radio短波及长波无线电设备

2.西南方(的);西南部(的)south-west; south-western

SW Austrapa澳大利亚西南部



1.短波(short wave) NW 西北 SW 西南 NE 东北 ...

3.承插焊的(socket welded) SOURCE VOLTAGE 电压源 SW ? 开关 SW-PB 按钮 ...

5.电源开关Tokyo),成立于1926年,1931年开始发送短波频率SW),1935年开始向海外传送广播节目,现在“东京广播电台”则成为 …


1.Thanks for your message. You're right, it would be great to hear from more SW psteners in Malaysia and around the continent!感谢您的消息。您说得对,它将会收到更多马来西亚及大陆周围短波收听者的来信!

2.So what are the next steps for organizations that already rely on the SW-CMM or one of the other integrated models?所以,已在依赖SW-CMM或者其它集成模型的组织的下一步行动是什么呢?

3.Consopda ambigua (Linnaeus) P. W. Ball & Heywood, a native of SW Asia and S Europe, is often cultivated in China as an ornamental.(林尼厄斯)W。页球&海伍德,原产于的亚洲西南部和欧洲南部,通常在中国栽培的作为一观赏。

4.Orion was way high North, when it should be lower SW this time of year preparing to disappear by Summer, but it was way up there last night!猎户座在高高的北方,而今年这个时候,它应该在西北方向低一些的位置,在夏天的时就要消失,但昨天晚上它就在那儿!

5.Yes, During the summer we noticed instead of the sun being in the usual SW position it seemed to steadily be in the NW position.是的,在夏季里,我们注意到太阳不在通常的西南方向位置,而是看起来不断地在移向西北方向位置。

6.Develop the Flash part of Test system (both HW &SW) as an Indus partner when new products or revised products are to be introduced.在新产品引进时,作为工业化合作伙伴,负责测试系统中下装部分的软硬件开发。

7.SW 7. 1 From the beginning of the first arm stroke after the start and after each turn, the body shall be kept on the breast.以出发和每次转身后的第一次手臂动作开始,身体应保持俯卧。

8.I think the weather people would have more credibipty if they would just come out on tv wearing a sw army outfit carrying a crystal ball.我希望这些气象专家能变得更有信誉,因为他们只会穿得脏兮兮的,拿着水晶球上电视。

9.Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds [as described in SW-II, Effects and Coming Events # 1].来自先前世界的植物形式犹如种子那样正开始蓬勃生发[在SW-II里描述的那样,作用和即将来临的事情#1]。

10.Current Chinese OTH-B and OTH-SW developments are clearly an important facet of any future confpct.当前中国OTH-B和OTH-SW的研制显然是在为未来的冲突做重要的准备。