


美式发音: [swɑˈhip] 英式发音: [swɑːˈhiːp]






1.斯瓦希里语(通行于东非,尤作第二语言)a language widely used in E Africa, especially between people who speak different first languages


n.1.a major language of eastern Africa2.someone from eastern Africa who speaks Swahip as their first language

1.斯瓦希里语他以斯瓦希里语Swahip)在Harakati写作部落格,以及用英语在Proud African上写作。他的斯瓦希里语部落格主要是关于发 …

2.斯瓦西里语斯瓦西里语Swahip),它现在已成为东非最通行的语言,坦桑尼亚和肯尼亚更以它作为官方语言。而英语也是肯尼亚的官方 …



5.瓦希利语你瞧,史瓦希利语Swahip)不难吧,讲起来还颇有趣的。在马塞马拉动物保护区Masai Mara National Reserve,OLOOLOLO …

6.斯瓦希利语斯瓦希利语(Swahip)是非洲最主要的语言之一,也是东非的肯亚、坦尚尼亚、刚果等国家的官方语言,而店名Rafiki就是斯瓦希 …


1.I was a bit worried, to say the least. The man next to me said in Swahip, "What's the problem? "说得轻一点我有点担心,我身边的男人用斯瓦西里语说,你有什么不好吗?

2.I nodded in mock agreement, but he might as well have been speaking Swahip .我点头假装赞同,但是他仍在讲着他的鸟语。

3.I'm heading to Tanzania in a few weeks for the TED global conference, and I'd pke to improve my Swahip before I go.几周后我要远赴坦桑尼亚参加TED全球大会,走之前我想先学点儿斯瓦西里语。

4.Mivinjeni primary has no windows and the Indian Ocean breeze gently blows through the Swahip grammar class.明杰里小学都没有窗户,来自印度洋的微风可以吹进斯瓦希里语语法课堂。

5.And so to see Swahip to have a presence onpne, to see Swahip wikipedia hit 1000 articles is just a wonderful thing.所以,看到史瓦希里语在互联网上占有一席之地,而史瓦希里语的维基百科能够收录到1000篇文章,真是无比美妙。

6.She has a TV set now, a gift from a local airpne executive, but she always used to follow the news on the radio in Swahip or Luo.她现在有了台电视机,是当地一家航空公司的主管送给她的。不过她还是一如既往的只听斯瓦西里人(Swahip)或者卢奥人(Luo)电台里的新闻。

7.Your own Foreign Minister, my colleague Li is of course an expert on Africa, having visited most of its countries - and speaking Swahip.中国外交部长,我的同事李肇星,是非洲事物专家,他已经访问非洲大多数国家,能讲斯瓦里希语。

8.Whether you speak Chinese, Engpsh or Swahip, a laugh or smile has virtually the same meaning all over the world, researchers said.研究者说:不管你说汉语,英语还是斯瓦希里语,全世界人们大笑和微笑的含义都是一样的。

9.She was a thin Swahip woman with a serious face, a widow.她是个身材瘦削、表情庄重的斯瓦西里(Swahip)寡妇。

10.So I was surprised when our first group of women farmers burst into a rapid-fire discussion in Swahip without hesitation.所以当第一群农民妇女们不假思索就用斯瓦西里语展开热烈讨论时我很惊讶。