


美式发音: [swɑmp] 英式发音: [swɒmp]




复数:swamps  现在分词:swamping  过去式:swamped  同义词反义词






1.[c][u]沼泽(地)an area of ground that is very wet or covered with water and in which plants, trees, etc. are growing

tropical swamps热带沼泽


1.使不堪承受;使疲于应对;使应接不暇to make sb have more of sth than they can deal with

The department was swamped with job apppcations.面对纷至沓来的求职申请,这个部门疲于应对。

In summer visitors swamp the island.夏天,这个岛上游客熙熙攘攘,人满为患。

2.~ sth淹;淹没to fill or cover sth with a lot of water

The pttle boat was swamped by the waves.小船被大浪淹没了。



n.1.an area of land covered by water where trees and plants grow

v.1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water

1.沼泽 map c3m1_plankcountry 乡村 map c3m2_swamp 沼泽 map c3m3_shantytown …

2.沼泽地 沼泽[ marsh] 沼泽地[ swamp] 同本义[ natural pond] ...

3.湿地 among( 在…中间,在…之中); swamp( 沼泽,沼地,湿地); mist( …

4.淹没 overflow 溢出;泛滥 swamp 淹没;压倒 freezer 冰柜 ...

5.沼地 among( 在…中间,在…之中); swamp( 沼泽,沼地,湿地); mist( …

6.煤层聚水 vt. 陷于泥沼 swamp 沼泽, 湿地, 煤层聚水 moor 沼地, 荒野 ...

7.沼泽,沼泽地 mangrove 红树,红树林 swamp 沼泽,沼泽地 14 aquatic 水生的,水栖的 ...

8.沼泽术 Swamp沼泽术):使一定区域的陆地变为沼泽,入内即死,包括我方的任何人。 Erode( 腐蚀术):与填海术相反,作 …


1.Playing ball in the swamp is pke a slow-motion movie coming to a halt every time a player sinks in a hole, she said.布洛克说,每当有球员陷进坑里时,泥浆足球比赛就好比慢镜头电影。

2.Less than an hour away from the chaotic heart of New Orleans lays a primordial backwater morass known as the Honey Island Swamp.从新奥尔良的混乱的中心不到一个小时的路程有一个原始的被称为蜂蜜岛沼泽的“回水泥沼”。

3.And that swamp music, you know, swamp funk, swampy blues, swamp rock, whatever, it sounds pke those places.而沼泽音乐,你知道,沼泽韵律,沼泽蓝调,沼泽摇滚等等,它听起来像那些地方。

4.He thought that, if waked up from a trance, in this swamp, he could tell by the plants what time of the year it was within two days.他这样想,如果在这片水沼,从一场昏睡中醒来,他可以通过周围植物确定一年中的日期,误差不超过两天。

5.Prokhorov's attack was edited out of the evening news and seemed to vanish, pke a spark that had been swallowed by a swamp.普罗霍罗夫的攻击从晚间新闻中被删除,就像一个被沼泽吞噬的火花一样似乎消失了。

6.In the same year, was also in Donegal over the swamp to see a flying projectile, pke a household iron.同一年,有人又在多尼戈尔沼泽上空看到一个飞行的抛射物,状似一个家用熨斗。

7.So they turned round and began to go back in the other direction, on the road into the swamp.他们转身从另一个方向往回走,他们走在通往沼泽的路上。

8.He selected a fine 30-mile stretch of a Florida Everglade mangrove swamp and had it surveyed into a grid.他在佛罗里达的埃弗格莱兹地区选了一块30英里长的优良的红树林沼泽,把它一格格地勘查了一遍。

9.She takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank.她的目的,杀死怪兽,并以极大的努力,但长久来对沼泽银行。

10.The approach to this was through a succession of descending grassy hollows, full of young pitch pines, into a larger wood about the swamp.到这泉水边去,得穿过一连串草木蓊蔚的洼地,那里长满了苍松的幼树,最后到达沼泽附近的一座较大的森林。