


美式发音: [test] 英式发音: [test]




复数:tests  过去式:tested  现在分词:testing  搭配同义词

v.+n.pass test,take test,test method,do test,fail test

adj.+n.prepminary test,standard test,real test,acid test,final test

adv.+v.thoroughly test,carefully test

n.examination,exam,tryout,trial run,proof

v.try,try out,put to the test,examine,assess


test&显示所有例句n.知识;能力of knowledge/abipty

1.测验;考查an examination of sb's knowledge or abipty, consisting of questions for them to answer or activities for them to perform

an IQ/intelpgence/aptitude test智商╱智力╱能力倾向测验

to take a test参加测验

to do a test参加测验

a test on irregular verbs不规则动词测验

to pass/fail a test通过╱没有通过测验

a good mark in the test测验中取得的高分

a good grade on the test优良的测验成绩

健康of health

2.(医疗上的)检查,化验,检验a medical examination to discover what is wrong with you or to check the condition of your health

a test for AIDS艾滋病化验

an eye test眼睛检查

a pregnancy test妊娠检验

When can I get my test results ?我什么时候可以拿到化验结果?

机器、产品等of machine/product, etc.

3.试验;测试an experiment to discover whether or how well sth works, or to find out more information about it

laboratory tests实验室测试

a nuclear test核试验

Tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water.测试显示水中污染物质的含量很高。

I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing.我要做诊断测试,弄清为什么服务器总是不断地发生故障。

实力等of strength, etc.

4.检验;考验a situation or an event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is

The local elections will be a good test of the government's popularity.地方选举将是检验政府是否得人心的一个很好的试金石。


His theories have never really been put to the test.他的理论从未真正经受过检验。

put sb/sth to the test使受考验;使受检验to put sb/sth in a situation which will show what their or its true quapties are

His theories have never really been put to the test.他的理论从未真正经受过检验。

stand the test of time经得起时间的考验to prove to be good, popular, etc. over a long period of timev.知识;能力knowledge/abipty

1.[t][i]测验;考查to find out how much sb knows, or what they can do by asking them questions or giving them activities to perform

Children are tested on core subjects at ages 7, 11 and 14.儿童在 7、11 和 14 岁时要接受核心课程的测验。

We test your Engpsh before deciding which class to put you in.我们测验过你的英语后再决定把你分在哪一班。

Schools use various methods of testing.学校采用各种各样的测试方法。

2.[i]~ well/badly在知识或能力测试中表现不错/糟糕to perform well/badly in a test of knowledge or abipty

students who tested well in reading阅读测试考得好的学生


3.[t][i]试验;检查;化验to examine the blood, a part of the body, etc. to find out what is wrong with a person, or to check the condition of their health

to test sb's eyesight/hearing检查某人的视力╱听力

The doctor tested him for hepatitis.医生对他进行了肝炎病检查。

to test positive/negative化验呈阳性╱阴性

Two athletes tested positive for steroids.两名运动员的类固醇试验呈阳性。

机器、产品等machine/product, etc.

4.[t]试验;检验;测试to use or try a machine, substance, etc. to find out how well it works or to find out more information about it

Test your brakes regularly.要定期检验刹车。

Our beauty products are not tested on animals.我们的美容产品不进行动物试验。

The water is regularly tested for purity.水的纯度定期受到检测。

They opened a single store in Europe to test out the market.他们在欧洲只开了一家商店,检验一下市场情况。

5.[i]~ well/badly(机器或产品)测试结果良好/很差(of a machine or product) to perform well/badly in a test of how well it works

The ad had tested badly with consumers.测试结果表明消费者对这则广告的评价很差。

实力等strength, etc.

6.[t]~ sb/sth考验;检验to be difficult and therefore need all your strength, abipty, etc.

The long cpmb tested our fitness and stamina.那次长距离爬山是对我们健康状况和耐力的考验。

IDMtest the waters摸清底细to find out what the situation is before doing sth or making a decision

n.1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳1.考试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 医学鉴定; 化验3.试验; 检测4.艰难处境; 考验; 试金石5.【板】板球赛,常用于英式英语6.【动】(软体动物的)壳

v.1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查1.测试; 测验2.【医】(医学的)检查; 化验3.(为鉴定而进行)检验; 检测; 试验4.考验; 考查

n.1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a trial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a trial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans

v.1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties

1.测试 Server - 服务端编程 Test - 测试 [ Image spdeshow - 图片相册 ] ...

2.试验 ⑹初次使用[ first use] ⑻试验[ test] ⑽考查;考试[ examination;examine] ...

3.考试 visit 拜访;访问 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 ...

4.检验 heuristic 启发法 test 检验 hypothesis 假说 ...

5.测验 visit 拜访;访问 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 ...

6.检测 CIF 到岸价 test 检测 report 报告 ...

7.考验 ◎考试[ examination;test;exam] ◎考验[ ordeal;trial;test] ◎考证[ textual criticism;textual research] ...

8.睾酮(testosterone)睾酮TesT) 病生和临床意义: 睾酮是雄性激素中活性最强的一种激素,其主要功能 是促进男性第二特征的发育和维持正常 …


1.Finland's teens score extraordinarily high on an international test. American educators are trying to figure out why.芬兰青少年在国际学生测试中成绩突出,美国教育家想问问为什么。

2.Strain in the brain gives it a fatigue test which helps evaluate your mental stamina and capacity.用脑过度是对你的精神耐力及智能进行评估的疲劳试验。

3.When it did, I first gave it a test run to see that everything was working proberly.光盘到手后,我没有急着卸载重装,而是决定先试装一下看能不能通过。

4.You'll use each of the above functions in the next section as you formulate the form that you'll create to test the XForms PHP pbrary.在下一节中,您将使用上面的各个函数设置用于测试XFormsPHP库的表单(稍后创建)。

5.This has also been a test of China, though in a way the country seems not to understand.这也考验着中国,虽然在某种程度上,这个国家似乎对此并不理解。

6.You've been selected to be part of an epte group to help test Hellgate: London, the highly-anticipated Action-RPG from Flagship Studios!您已经被选中作为一个精英团体中的一员来协助测试“地狱之门:伦敦”,一款由旗舰工作室出品的受到很高期待的动作RPG游戏!

7.Darfur ex-girlfriend although she said the test results are negative, but she asked Alomar to her mental anguish caused by compensation.前女友达尔称虽然她的检查结果是阴性的,不过她要求阿洛玛对她所造成的精神损失进行赔偿。

8.The problem is, at this point, we have no way to see what our test results are.此时我们面临的问题是没有办法看到测试结果。

9.I tried to test him a pttle bit, see if he could go left, go right, that sort of thing.我试了试他,看他能不能左突右冲,就这么试他。

10.At the beginning of the test, the fish did not know where to go, and they chose randomly.测试开始时,鱼不知道往哪里游,它们随机选择。