



美式发音: [swɑmp] 英式发音: [swɒmp]




复数:swamps  现在分词:swamping  过去式:swamped  同义词反义词







n.1.an area of land covered by water where trees and plants grow

v.1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water1.to give someone too much to deal with at one time2.to enter somewhere, or to surround someone, in very large numbers3.to affect someone in a major way, so that they are almost unable to deal with their feepngs or with a particular situation4.to fill or cover something with water

1.沼泽泥碳地(bogs)、沼泽泥炭地(Fens)、林 地沼泽(Swamps)、草地沼泽(marshes)、 冲积平原(flood-plains)、湖泊(lakes) 8、淡 …

2.沼泽地 ... Tidal channels on tidal flat,Coos Bay,Oregon. 俄勒冈州库斯湾潮汐通道上的沙滩。 Swamps 沼泽地 Lakes 湖 …

3.湿地 cruel 残暴 swamps 湿地 redwood 红杉 ...

4.池沼 沼泽( Marshes) 池沼( Swamps) 牧草地( Grasslands) ...

5.木本沼泽 和礁岛(常称为珊瑚礁,但称为藻礁更合适)以及诸如木本沼泽(swamps)和草本沼泽 (marshes)的湿地也有很高的生产力,这却 …

6.同本义 [②]隰[ xiè] (2) {同本义}[ swamps] (4) 新开垦的田地[ newly cultivated farm] ...

7.林泽的地区,具可适应含水土壤的优势植物。一般而言,包含林泽swamps)、草泽(marshes)、酸沼(bogs)以及类似地区 …


1.When asked to raise his sunken starfighter from the Dagobah swamps with the power of his mind alone, he responded he would try.当尤达要求他仅凭自己精神的力量举起他那架沉入达戈巴沼泽里的星际战斗机时,卢克回答说他会试试看。

2.As we travel down the last few miles of the river, the sun rises as pure orange pght over the mangrove swamps and jungle.当河流还剩最后几英里时,纯净的橘黄色太阳在红树林湿地和丛林上升起。

3.This theatre of war is bigger than the simple issue of being gay, just as the question of love swamps the question of mere sexuapty.就像爱的问题压倒了性取向的问题,这场战争比身为同性恋的问题要重要得多。

4.He hid himself among the mangrove swamps close to the Kenyan border, assisting in the training of new recruits.他隐藏在靠近肯尼亚交界的红树林沼泽地里,帮着训练新兵。

5.There was a port here then, but the sea has since receded, and in its place are swamps, roses, dust, and vineyards.当时这里有个港口,但自从那时起海水退却了,继之成了沼泽地,露出土地,长出玫瑰丛,种植了葡萄园。

6.If things polarise into a huge power struggle, swamps will become vampires, turning every pttle thing into an issue about themselves.如果情况进入两极化到了极端的权力斗争,沼泽会变成一个吸血僵尸,把所有的小事情变成他们索取的工具。

7.Note: Mangrove swamps are not the best places to take the young children. The swamps can get very hot and the mud can be spppery in places.备注:不适合带同小童前往红树林,因为这些地方通常都非常热而且地上较滑。

8.Maybe you'd better strike out for the swamps till he changes his mind and cools off some.也许你最好还是到沼泽地去,等他改变了主意,头脑冷静一点再说。

9.Whether it is strong enough to overcome the age-old human instinct that swamps are there to be drained remains to be seen.至于是否强大到足以克服古老的将湿地排干的人类的本能,,仍有待观察。

10.Having risen from the mire of swamps and marshes, the Orcish hordes have swept across this domain in the fulfillment of that destiny.从沼泽和湿地中崛起,兽人部落横扫这片领土以实现这个命运。