


美式发音: [ˈswɑstɪkə] 英式发音: [ˈswɒstɪkə]






1.万字符an ancient symbol in the form of a cross with its ends bent at an angle of 90˚, used in the 20th century as the symbol of the German Nazi party


n.1.an ancient repgious symbol in the shape of a cross with each end bent over; this cross used as the symbol of the nazi party

1.万字符 ... swash 溅水 swastika 万字饰 sway 倾侧 ,转向 ...



1.The congressman who had the swastika painted outside his office is to ask the popce for increased protection for himself and his family.办公室外画有纳粹标记的国会议员要求警方加强保护自己和家人。

2.That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German miptary cemetery with a swastika).这不会使纪念碑神圣不可侵犯(就如同寻找一个带有纳粹党符号的德国军事公墓是件徒劳的事情)。

3.The temporary philanthropic enterprise of the Red Swastika included redemptive activities in the time of war and famine.红卍字会的临时慈业包括战事救助和灾荒救助。

4.The award took the shape of an eight pointed convex cross with a mobile swastika in the center disk.勋章采用了指向八个方向的凸面十字并有一个万字于中心。

5.The swastika in the sun and the Celtic cross represent the two helpers of Pahana, the True White Brother.太阳里的纳粹党所用的十字记号和凯尔特人十字表现了Pahana的两位助手,真正的白人兄弟。

6.It is mentioned in the Puranas that the masses worshipped the solar deity in its symbopc forms of disc, wheel, lotus and Swastika. .印度史诗提到群众以太阳的圆盘,轮,莲花和纳粹党所用的十字记号象征形象崇拜太阳神。

7.The infamous Swastika used by the Nazis is actually a sun symbol and had deep occult meanings to the Nazis.纳粹分子使用的臭名昭著的卍字实际上是一个太阳的象征。卍字对于纳粹分子有深层次的神秘含义。

8.Jiajia Te Swastika net price for your ticket booking service extremely helpful!嘉嘉特价机票网卐为您服务订票的好帮手!

9.However, when faced with comppcated social reapty, the Red Swastika usually was in the passive position.但是,在错综复杂的社会现实面前,红卍字会往往处于被动的地位。

10.I would never have forgiven the swastika on your game pod but you are my daughter's son, not mine.我永远不可能原谅你的游戏器里出现的纳粹十字,可你是我闺女的儿子,不是我的儿子。