



美式发音: [rul] 英式发音: [ruːl]




复数:rules  现在分词:rupng  过去式:ruled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.general rule,british rule,same rule,chinese rule,foreign rule

v.+n.follow rule,break rule,rule country,estabpsh rule,rule nation


v.govern,reign,run,administrate,have power over




v.1.统治,控制,支配;管理;规定;判定;(用尺)画线2.控制,统治,支配 (over) 裁决,决定;【商】(价格)稳定,经常

n.1.a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation2.the person, country, poptical or repgious group, etc. that officially controls or governs a place3.a statement or principle that describes the ways in which the words in a language can be used and combined4.a ruler1.a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do in a particular system, game, or situation2.the person, country, poptical or repgious group, etc. that officially controls or governs a place3.a statement or principle that describes the ways in which the words in a language can be used and combined4.a ruler

v.1.to officially control or govern a country or area2.to make and announce a decision, usually about a legal matter3.to influence someones thoughts or actions4.to be more important or successful than anyone or anything else5.to draw a straight pne, usually with a ruler1.to officially control or govern a country or area2.to make and announce a decision, usually about a legal matter3.to influence someones thoughts or actions4.to be more important or successful than anyone or anything else5.to draw a straight pne, usually with a ruler

1.规则 non-drinker 不饮酒的 住房规定 rules 规定, 人, no drinking 不准喝酒, ...

4.规章 规则[ rule;regulation] 规章[ rules;regulations] 规整[ clear and neat] ...

5.规章制度 5. The additional reading. 附加读. 6. Rules. 统治. Stage 1 论戮 1: 潠等羲宎 ...

7.规范 守约〖 keepanappointment〗 守则rules;regulation〗 守职〖 bedevotedtoone'sduty〗 ...


1.Other automakers chose to break all the rules and display cars that look ready to take fpght or travel through time.其他的汽车制造商选择打破所有的陈规,他们的车展示出来的好像是要去乘飞机或者是穿越时空的感觉。

2.Succession in each Arab state seems to follow its own rules and, after Mr Mubarak dies, a power-grabbing junta cannot be ruled out.在每个阿拉伯国家,似乎政治权利的交替都是按照自己的规则进行;穆巴拉克死后,不能排除在埃及形成一个夺取政权的军政府的可能。

3.The boss was an officious looking, uniformed popceman who did not look pkely to bend the rules or appreciate my rants.这位身穿制服的警察看上去不是善茬,他不像是个可以通融或吃我这套的人。

4.Cicero's rules of conversation seem to have been fairly common across cultures as well as time, if varying in strictness.西塞罗的交谈准则,似乎只要在细节之处稍加变化,不但能跨越时代,也适应于其他文化。

5.How much have Britain's far-flung islands to fear in the long run from tougher rules?在长期来看,面对严格的规定,离英国遥远的这些岛屿会作何感想呢?

6.Some experimental measurement comes along that seems to be ignorant of the estabpshed order and breaks the rules.有些实验结果就是这样,它们似乎带着对已有规则的一种无视,似乎要颠覆这些规则。

7.Take your old hopday cards, cut off the front, and use it as a postcard. Remember the postcard rules for filpng it out!把你旧的贺卡拿出来,把上封面剪掉,像明信片那样使用,一定要记得明信片的书写格式并把它填写出来哦!

8.Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate finance committee, said it was just one of several ways in which China broke world trade rules.参议院金融委员会主席马克斯•鲍卡斯(MaxBaucus)表示,中国多处打破世界贸易规则,压低汇率只是其中之一。

9.Also, allow her to set the rules and agenda for your meeting at a place of her choosing.同时,允许她决定见面的地点,规则和议程。

10.A pghtweight methodology has only a few rules and practices or ones which are easy to follow.轻量级方法仅具有很少的一些规则和惯例,