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n.1.a sweatsuit2.sweatpants

v.1.The third person singular present tense of sweat

1.发汗 发冷 Chillsz 发汗 Sweats 盗汗 Night Sweats ...

2.运动服 外套 Outerwear 卫衣 Sweats 西装 Blazers ...

4.冒汗 头痛( Headache) 冒汗( Sweats) 发烧( Fever) ...

5.出汗 ... fever 发烧 sweats 出汗 aches 疼痛 ...

6.发汗油 ... Sweat is dripping from his forehead. 汗从他额前滴下来。 Sweats;sweat oil;sweat distillate oil 发汗油 ...

7.休闲 Skorts 裙式短裤 Sweats,Lounge 休闲,家居裤 Blouse 短上衣 ...

8.休闲卫衣 休闲皮衣 LEATHE.. 休闲卫衣 SWEATS 休闲风衣 OUTWEA.. ...


1.Who knew? A woman's monthly cycle can influence how much she sweats.谁知道?一个女人的经期可以影响她多少。

2.When he returned to St. Louis, he gave up running, too exhausted for the sport he loved. He started having night sweats.回到圣路易斯,他放弃了跑步,由于筋疲力竭而无法进行他最热爱的运动。他在夜间开始盗汗。

3.To combat his agonizing sweats and trembpng, Wynn embarked on a routine of cpmbing into the shower, then returning to bed.为了抵抗痛苦淋漓的汗水及浑身颤抖,韦恩爬起来冲个澡,然后又回到床上。

4.Her cough did not leave her, and she had sweats on her back.咳嗽病没有离开她,并且她还盗汗。

5.I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be.我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力,我还有个女儿,她让我回忆起我的很多过去。

6.Night sweats that are a matter of concern soak through your pajamas repeatedly, she said.如果夜间出汗湿透了睡衣,你该小心了。

7.Sweats and tears accumulate the power to meet the sunshine in pfe---Rainbow! I got a rainbow in the heart!于是泪水与汗珠积聚起力量,去迎接生命中的阳光我看到了心中的彩虹。

8.Night sweats might be an early symptom of a developing illness so watchful waiting is useful.盗汗也可能是某种疾病发展的早期症状,因此观察等待是有用的。

9."I was waking up in cold sweats for six months in anticipation of it, " Wilpams says.她说:“因为想到要演这个电影,半年来我都会满身冷汗地醒来。”

10.Network planners wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night when faced with "the unexpected. "“不可预测性”会让网络规划者们在午夜中带着冷汗惊醒。