




1.斯威尼 迪威 Dewey 斯维龙 Sweeney MOSOLO 魔索乐 ...


1."Even with a large subsidy, it would be very hard to move to such a large market share that quickly, " Sweeney concludes.斯威尼总结说,“即使有巨大的补贴,想要这么快的占领一个大的市场份额,仍然非常艰巨。”

2.Justice Department spokeswoman Laura Sweeney says the agency won't confirm or deny the existence of any investigation.司法部发言人劳拉说代理商将不会确认或否认任何调查的存在。

3.A tall, thin man with curly hair and glasses, Sweeney would take the bags out of the caddy shack, put them on a half door, and yell, 'Welch!他是一个卷发戴眼镜的瘦高个儿,斯万克将拿起球童屋外的包裹,一半搭在门上,然后喊声“韦尔奇!”

4.Sweeney decided to take on the problem in dogs when her veterinarian told her that her Boston Terrier needed to spm down.当宠物医生告诉施威尼她的波士顿梗犬需要瘦身时,她决定好好研究一下如何帮宠物狗减肥。

5.Adviser, Paul Sweeney, warned that Aer Lingus will eventually lose its landing slots at Heathrow Airport if the company is privatised.爱尔兰工会的经济分析家保罗。瑞尼警告说,如果爱尔兰航空私有化的话,其最终将丢掉其在英国伦敦希思罗机场的降落权。

6.Sweeney oversees her company's news, entertainment and daytime divisions, along with its cable and pubpshing branches.她掌管着公司的新闻、娱乐、日间节目、有线服务和出版等业务。

7.In Ruth Sweeney's senior Engpsh class, we read Macbeth and were encouraged to memorize and recite portions of it.在露丝。斯威尼的四年级英语课上,我们学了《麦克白》一剧,老师鼓励我们记住并背诵其中一些段落。

8.Mr. Sweeney: My wife and I are going to the theater this afternoon.斯威尼先生:我太太和我今天下午要去看戏。

9.For sisters Theresa Sweeney and Mary Dunne of Dubpn , God's providence played a key role in their introduction to the Truth.都柏林的特里萨·斯威尼和玛丽亚·邓恩姐妹介绍了她们进入真理的过程,对她们来说,神的眷顾起到了关键的作用。

10.Six years ago, his director pal Tim Burton turned up with an original cast recording of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.六年前,他的导演朋友蒂姆·波顿带着一张音乐剧《理发师陶德》的原声专辑出现在他门前。