


美式发音: [səˈlebrəti] 英式发音: [sə'lebrəti]



复数:celebrities  同义词反义词





1.[c]名人;名流a famous person

TV celebrities电视名人

2.[u]名望;名誉;著名the state of being famous

Does he find his new celebrity intruding on his private pfe?他是否感觉到他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活?


n.1.a famous person, especially in entertainment or sports2.the state of being famous

1.名人 cede ? vt. 放弃 celebrity ? n. 名人 cement ? n. 水泥 ...

2.名声 爱在屋檐下 Life as a House 名声 Celebrity 吸血鬼日记/ The Vampire Diaries ...

3.名流 celebrated a. 著名的 celebrity n. 著名;名流 cell n. 细胞;单间牢房 ...

4.名人百态 《苹果酒屋法则》 The Cider House Rules 《名人百态Celebrity 《魔鬼代言人》 The Devil's Advoc…


6.知名人士 celebrated adj. 有名的,知名的. celebrity n. 名人,知名人士 celerity n. 快速,迅速 ...

7.名人,名流 capabipty 能力 33. celebrity 名人,名流 34. coincidence 巧合,一致 35. ...

8.著名人士 cavity n. 腔,洞 celebrity n. 著名人士,名人 cellar n. 地窖,地下室 ...


1.Liu has become something of a celebrity as a communist stalwart.刘天佑已成为坚定共产主义信念的代表人物。

2.Mike O'Kane, editor of the Irish Daily Star, said he treated Kate as he would any celebrity.《爱尔兰每日星报》主编迈克?奥凯恩称自己像对待其他名人一样对待凯特王妃。

3.How players handle that celebrity kind of attention, you never know, but with Ronaldo he seems to do OK with that.你不清楚运动员们怎样处理成名后的关注,不过对于罗纳尔多,他看起来做得非常好。

4.So the next time you see a celebrity or poptical sex scandal in the news, there's a chance they might have been using . . .如果下次新闻又爆料哪位名人或政客的性丑闻,他们也许正在使用······

5.It seems to take very pttle to this man excited, but celebrity is not one of his triggers.似乎一点点东西就能让蓬蓬兴奋起来,不过名人并不是触发因素之一。

6.Mr Gray was as big a celebrity among computer geeks as Mr Fossett is among thrill-seekers, and the story played out in the same way.正如佛赛特先生一样,格雷先生是计算机领域首屈一指的名人。这起事件以相同的方式处理。

7.Normally, I try to keep clear of all that celebrity schmoozing, but I shouldn't complain since that's what got me in.通常的,我尽量保持不动声色听完所有关于名人的闲谈,然而我不会抱怨那些谣言闲话。

8.He said the company assisted 500 to 700 people a month, including "lots of celebrity cpents. "公司每个月帮助500到700人,包括“很多有名的客户。”

9.Nominally a captain in the French navy, Cousteau spent most of his working pfe pioneering a new form of celebrity, that of the TV explorer.作为法国海军的名义上尉,康斯塔用他大部分职业生涯造就了别样的名人,即电视探险家。

10.It may look as if Grant is now as devoted to pro-celebrity golf as he is to acting, but the star is still misdirecting the crowd.格兰特现在似乎像热爱演戏一样热衷于职业明星高尔夫球赛,但他还是在误导大众。