




1.希尔瓦娜斯 Magni( 麦格尼)的恶梦: Sylvanas( 希瓦娜斯)的恶梦: Jaina( 珍娜)的恶梦: ...

4.希尔瓦拉斯 ... → cosada: 正妹 03/08 20:10 → Sylvanas: 黄爆了再上去是啥 03/08 20:10 → maimai106: 鹰眼上场了 03/08 20:10 ...


1.This better be important, Sylvanas. You know how I detest this place and its foul stench.希瓦娜斯,这件事情最好很重要,你应该知道我很讨厌这个地方和那邪恶的臭味。

2.Ultimately, Sylvanas and her rebel undead (known as the Forsaken) claimed the ruined capital city of Lordaeron as their own.最终,希尔瓦娜斯和她的亡灵叛军(他们被称作被遗忘者)将洛丹伦都城的废墟占为己有。

3.Half of the standing undead forces, led by the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner, staged a coup for control over the undead empire.女妖希尔瓦娜斯·风行者领导着半数的亡灵军团发动了一场试图颠覆阿尔萨斯统治的政变。

4.Sylvanas Windrunner: You think that I'm running from you? Apparently you've never fought elves before.希尔瓦娜斯·风行者:你认为我是在逃跑?显然你以前没和精灵战斗过。

5.Sylvanas and her rebel Forsaken hold only the Tirisfal Glades, a small portion of the war-torn kingdom.希尔瓦娜斯和她的反叛亡灵力量仅仅控制着提瑞斯法林地,那只是被饱经战乱的洛丹伦王国的一小部分。

6.Remember, Sylvanas, eventually we all have to stand before our maker and face judgment. Your day may come sooner than others.希瓦娜斯,请记住我们所有人有朝一日都要为自己的行为来面对神的审判,而你的那一天可能就会比其他人来得更早。

7.As one of the undead, Sylvanas was subject to the iron will of the Lich King.作为不死族的一员,希尔瓦娜斯勉强服从于巫妖王的心志。

8.Arthas: The gates have been opened! Once we've dealt with Sylvanas, the inner kingdom shall be ours!阿尔塞斯:大门已经被打开了!只要我们处理掉希尔瓦娜斯,这里面的王国就是我们的了!

9.Sylvanas Windrunner: You are not welcome here. I am Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger-General of Silvermoon. I advise you to turn back now.希尔瓦娜斯·风行者:这儿不欢迎你们。我是希尔瓦娜斯·风行者,银月城上将-丛林守护者。我奉劝你们现在就退回去。

10.Take these fragments to the Banshee Queen, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, at her throne in Undercity.把这些个碎片带给幽暗城王座上的女妖之王,希尔瓦娜斯女士。