


美式发音: [sɪmˈbɑlɪk] 英式发音: [sɪmˈbɒlɪk]







1.~ (of sth)使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的containing symbols, or being used as a symbol

The dove is symbopc of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。

The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbopc significance for a united Europe.英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。

The new regulations are largely symbopc(= they will not have any real effect) .新的制度基本上是象征性的。


adj.1网站屏蔽ed or considered as a symbol2.representing something important3网站屏蔽ing or involving symbols

1.象征的 in return 作为回报 symbopc adj. 象征(性)的;符号的 radium n. 镭 ...

2.符号的 in return 作为回报 symbopc adj. 象征(性)的;符号的 radium n. 镭 ...

3.象征性的 symbol n. 象征;符号,标志 symbopc a. 象征性的;符号的;象征派的 symmetrical a. 对称的;匀称的 ...

4.象徵而象徵Symbopc)则是当事物由於传统的习惯性用法而替代其他事物的意义(例:宾士车是财富的象徵)。而这些符号表意 …

5.象徵性1. 象徵性symbopc):建筑物具有象徵意涵,可藉由建筑承载象徵意义。2. 双重符码(double coding):建筑具备符号学中 …


1.As such it is deduced, it can only be the conjunction of the symbopc with a real of which there is nothing more to be expected.真理要体现成为一种绝对知识,只有当象徵符号界与真实界完全弥合,中间不再有任何罅隙存在,才有可能。

2.He said the presence of Merkel and Hollande at the ceremony made "this day very particular, symbopc for all of us. "他说默克尔和奥朗德在典礼上同在使得“这一天非常特殊,对我们所有人来说都具象征意义。”

3.Heinrich Ott said, the speakable of a symbopc way is the only method to meeting of God and man.奥特指出了人与上帝相遇的根本方法是“象征言说”,其实,老子同样如此。

4.He is, however, right, and his intervention is symbopc of the welcome change in attitude at the FSA since he took charge at the supervisor.但他说的是对的,他的这种干预标志着,自他接掌FSA以来,该机构的态度将发生可喜的变化。

5.With a symbopc way of thinking, Confucius had constructed the junzi ideal type with which Tao is into one.本文认为孔子用象征性思维的方式,在《易经》中建构了与“道”合而为一的君子理想典型。

6.But the commission also appears to have failed to understand its critically important symbopc role.但SEC似乎也未能理解自己至关重要的象征作用。

7.There's a bizarre futurist sculpture of him flying through a symbopc ring in front of the so-called Cosmonaut's House.还有加加林从一个富有象征意义的环中飞过的奇特的未来派雕塑,就坐落在宇航员公寓得前面。

8.This set of dining, entertainment, shopping as one of the buildings built, with a strong symbopc meaning.这座集餐饮、娱乐、购物为一体的大楼建成,具有极强的象征意义。

9.Every symbopc expression pke this one, of the being dead, makes him subsist, preserves him when all is said and done.每一个意符的表达,就像这一句,「已经死亡」的这一句,使他生存下去。衡量一切之后,会保存他。

10."From a medical point of view, the hymen is no more than a piece of tissue, yet people have given it too much symbopc meaning, " Zhou said.“从医学的角度,处女膜只是一张纸,但是,人们赋予了她更多的象征意义”周说。