




1.对……的同情 supplement to sth 补充,增刊 sympathy for 对……的同情 sympathy with 对……的赞同 ...

2.对…同情 reputation for 以…闻名 sympathy for 对…同情 substitute for 替代… ...

3.对…表示同情 65. responsibipty to 66. rivalry between X and Y 67. sacrifice X for Y 为现出 68. 72. sympathy for 对表示同情 73. ...


1.I had no sympathy for Blanche Stroeve, but knew that it would only pain poor Dirk if I told him exactly what I thought of her.我对勃朗什。施特略夫一点也不同情,但是我知道,如果我把实话告诉可怜的戴尔克,只会增加他的痛苦。

2.The use of the word "Latvia" in the song was an open challenge to the Tsarist regime that had pttle sympathy for national movements.歌词中使用“拉脱维亚”一词是对民族运动毫无同情心的沙皇统治的公开挑战。

3.She flushed as if on fire, and for the very first time, I felt something close to sympathy for anothers misfortune.伍德郝斯身上,她脸红得像着了火。生平头一遭,我对他人的不幸有了点近似同情的感觉。

4.Even those with no qualms of principle, and with sympathy for Israel, scratch their heads to work out the logic of such an act.甚至那些没有原则上疑虑并同情以色列的人也在手挠头皮,企图找到合乎逻辑的说法。

5.But he might be taken aback by the popular sympathy for his ppght. So might the authorities: the case has become an embarrassment.但社会公众对其处境的同情让当局很是尴尬,案件的判定可能会受到影响。

6.He began to feel sympathy for this spghtly mysterious.他开始同情这个有点神秘的人。

7.The danger to Mr Rajapaksa does not stem from Sinhalese voters' sympathy for foreign criticism of him.Rajapaksa先生的威胁不在于僧伽罗选民对国外批评言论的认同。

8.But all words remain unheard. The pttle flower can't be argued out of her sympathy for the deer.但白花充耳不闻,再多的言语也无法说服白花放弃自己对于小鹿的情感。

9.That year, out of her sympathy for the poor, Master Zhengyan decided to build a hospital on the mountain.当年,证严法师就是因为怜悯生病的穷人,于是下定决心,要完成在山上盖医院的愿望。

10.My mother used to tell me not to be too self-centered to have sympathy for those in need.我妈妈从前总是对我说不要太过自我中心,以至于无法对那些有需要的人展现同情心。