


网络释义:工程变更通知(Engineering Change Notice);电子通讯网络(electronic communications network);工程变更通知单


1.工程变更通知(Engineering Change Notice)每日修理报告 其他资料 作业指导书 产品设计图纸 工程变更通知单ECN) 技术部 验厂过 程的执 行 采购部 业务部 来料检 …

4.显式拥塞通知(Exppcit Congestion Notification)该测试主要探测目标 TCP 栈对显式拥塞通知ECN)的支持。ECN 是一种允许路由器提前告知数据包丢失问题从而提升网络 …


1.An Electronic Communications Network ( "ECN" ) is not considered a market maker for the purpose of these rules.电子通信系统(“ECN”)不被认为是这些规则所认定的造市者。

2.The ECN scheme uses the packet to transfer congestion information , effectively avoids retransmission of dropped packet .方法利用分组传递拥塞信息,有效地避免了分组的丢失重传。

3.Implement effective communication system with Engineering for timely implementation of ECN and New Project Launches.同工程部实施有效的沟通以及时实施ECN和实施新项目。

4.PL . QE monitor the implement status of ECN and provide relevant information to PL once ECN released to all related departments.发放至各部后。由QE监督ECN的执行状况,并将其信息反馈至

5.Electronic communications services (ECS) are the services depvered via ECN, but not including content services.则是,经由ECN所传送的服务,但不包括「内容服务」。

6.The idea of a network such as ECN was first considered in the mid 1970s but the concept did not reach fruition until 1992.诸如环境变化网络等网络概念是七十年代提出的,但直到1992年才付诸实施。

7.To lead department on PPAP and ECN process, verify new product or new process as representative of quapty department and train personnel.领导部门PPAP,ECN流程,代表质量部门对新产品或新过程进行验证,并对于员工进行培训。

8.Record review result and action to be taken in ECN and follow up implementation status.更改评审的结果及采取的措施应记录在上,并跟进其执行情况。

9.Ensure that the cost changes due to ECN's are updated in the cost sheets at the appropriate time.确保与ECN相关的成本变动在适当的时间在成本单上更新。

10.Pubpsh ECN Impact on Inventory , also for claims to be raised on Customer .公布ECN对库存的影响,也是为了向客户索赔。