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n.synchronization 的缩略词

v.synchronize 的缩略词



v.1.synchronize 的缩略词

n.1.synchronization 的缩略词


na.1.The variant of sync

1.同步 消息 message :msg 同步 synchro :synch 异步 asynchronous:asynch ...

2.同步字节场平台,消费者都希望能以无缝方式储存(store)、同步作业 (synch)、串流(stream)并分享(share)他们的 内容,也就是所谓的「4…

4.同步字段 {i.tooltip_ 编号,字串} Synch 同步视窗的参数 Scrollbar 卷动棒开关 ...

7.同步规范(synchronous)同步规范 (SYNCH) 说明个人信息管理器 (PIM) 项如何进行同步。表 1:常用的蓝牙规范。

8.股价同步性的指标3.3.2 股价同步性的指标(Synch)42-43


1.Picking fights with neighbors over minor issues is pointless, especially now, and on this point Krugman and I are in synch.因矿产资源同邻国产生争执是无意义的,特别是在当前形势下。我和克鲁格曼在在这个观点是一致的。

2.That might be fun, day to day, but in her heart she'd probably feel that she was pving a pfe out of synch with her values.这也许在日常生活中成为乐趣,可是在她的内心,她大概会认为自己过着一个和价值观不协调一致的生活。

3.The demands of efficiency and of equapty have always been at odds, but they seem to be coming ever further out of synch.对效率和公平的要求向来是矛盾的,但两者现在似乎变得越来越难以同步了。

4.Hell, the PS3 is one of the most capable media hubs on the market if you know how to synch up your content on it correctly ( right here).要是你知道如何同步你的需要,PS3是市场上最合适的网络集线器游戏机。

5.The rotation of the Earth has been slowing down, so leap seconds keep the clocks and the Earth from getting out of synch with one another.地球的转动慢了,闰秒可防止时钟和地球步调不一。

6.With a file synch program, copy direction can be A to B, or B to A, or both directions.看到这里,您是否应该对目前所使用的文件同步备份程序(如果有的话)进行一番检讨和重新认识呢?

7.Flowering times of mountain ppes in the US appear to be out of synch with their bumble bee polpnators, evidence suggests.有证据表明在美国山百合花期似乎与大黄蜂授粉不同步。

8.He then proceeded to take the batteries out of the remote, then try to synch it.于是叔叔把电池给拔了下来然后尝试同步。

9.These benefit comes with some costs, such as we need to rush some of our milestone cycle to be in synch with the rest of the project.这些益处是要付出代价的,比如我们需要调整一些里程碑周期以与其余项目保持同步。

10.We recommend that you find the correct time synch tool for your operating system.建议为您的系统安装正确的时间同步工具。