




1.天方达产品类别: 挂钟 | 品牌: 天方达T-FOUND) | 货号: 9049 | 机芯: 电子 | 适用人群: 儿童 相关产品: 天方达挂钟 天方达时钟表 挂 …


1.But we argue that it's equally possible that this could already be a [shell] reduction in an earper turtle that we haven't found.然而我们认为,也有可能这是我们之前从未发现的早期龟类已经退化了的外壳。

2.Haw hadn't found any Cheese yet, but, as he ran through the Maze, he thought about what he had already learned.唧唧还没有找到奶酪,但在迷宫中穿行的时候,唧唧在想自己从中学到了什么。

3.It seems to me that as a talent, Einstein even hadn't found an appropriate word to describe it.我想天才的爱因斯坦也想不出一个恰当的词来表达。

4.I mean, it's been a good few years of me blogging, and I still haven't found the right approach.我的意思是,在我已经开通博客的这些年头,我依旧没能找出恰当的方法。

5.Scientists have agreed on the cause of the disease but still haven't found a cure for it.科学家们已经对引起此种疾病的原因统一了意见,但是仍未找到攻克的方法。

6.The international community still hasn't found a way to create the pressure necessary to stop this genocide.国际社会还没有找到施压途径施加必要的压力,制止这场种族灭绝。

7.If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead now. Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club.如果他们没有我到我,我现在肯定已经死了。哈利把他的魔杖插进了巨怪的鼻孔,罗恩用巨怪自己的木棍把它打昏了过去。

8."I keep trying to go more to South America, " he says, but he "hasn't found a way of making it work, workwise" .“我一直试图抽更多时间去南美,”他说,但他“尚未找到一个可行的办法——就工作而言。”

9.I haven't found a sopd conclusion, but in this article I share with you what I've learned.虽然我还没有得到一个可靠的结论,但在这篇文章中,我要与你分享我已经了解到的东西。

10.If you think you haven't found your passion yet, you're probably expecting it to be overwhelming.要是你认为还未找到你的热情所在,恐怕你只是在期待那个万众瞩目的时刻。