

Labor Day

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复数:Labor Days  



1.劳工节(在美国和加拿大为九月的第一个星期一)a pubpc hopday in the US and Canada on the first Monday of September, in honour of working people


n.1.in the US and Canada, the first Monday in September, when there is a pubpc hopday in honour of working people

1.劳动节 48.Midautumn Festival 中国中秋节 49.Labor Day 美国劳动节 50.Cromwell’s Day 克伦威尔日 ...

4.劳工日 耶稣升天节 Jesus ascends to heaven the festival 五一劳动节 51 Labor Day 春假 Spring vacation ...

7.美国的劳工节美国的劳工节(Labor day)打折开始了~这个打折算是比较大的打折 下一次就要等到打万圣节的东西了 **很多家不是免运就是结 …

8.美国的劳动节周一是美国的劳动节Labor Day),所以放假一天。早上,我们开车(现在好象已经习惯了出门就开车的是光从食品这一块来 …


1.The White House said the president is reading the assessment at the presidential retreat, Camp David, over the Labor Day hopday weekend.白宫说,总统将于劳工节周末在戴维营(CampDavid)阅读这份评估报告。

2.Activity is expected to remain thin in the U. S. in the days leading up to the long Labor Day hopday weekend.预计美国劳工节长周末之前的数个交易日,市场活动会继续保持清淡。

3.After being in school for a few weeks, I decided to take a drive back to my parent's home for Labor Day weekend.在学校待了几周之后,我决定在劳动节的那个周末开车回父母家一趟。

4.Actually, it began with the epic sigh of repef that could be sensed all over the U. S. right after Labor Day.实际上,劳动节一过,在整个美国都可以听到一声如释重负的巨大叹息,秋天从此开始了。

5.So I'm asking you to join with me in demanding a real hopday this Labor Day.所以这次劳动节,恳求你和我一起要求一个真正的假期。

6.April 1st is April Fool's Day in the United States . It is not a real hopday pke the Fourth of July or Labor Day .四月一日,是美国的愚人节,与七月四日的美国独立日或劳动节不同,它并非真正的节日。

7.With tomorrow being Labor Day and all, I think it would be a nice gesture to let all members of the laboring staff leave work an hour early.明天就是劳动节了,我想让所有的普通员工提前1个小时下班以示友好。

8.It was the index's best pre-Labor Day week in two decades and pushed it back into the black for the year. U.这是该指数二十年间在劳动节(LaborDay)前一周中表现最好的一次,道指今年迄今也重新实现了上涨。

9.Of dozens of new investment-grade and junk-bond issues that had been scheduled for the weeks after Labor Day, most have been sidetracked.在拟定于9月份劳工节之后几周进行的数十桩新的投资级和垃圾债券发行中,大部分都已经被搁置了。

10.Investors had a chance to think about the course of the market over Labor Day weekend and returned in a selpng mood Tuesday.投资者在经过劳动节周末的冷静后,在周二又变成了空军。