


美式发音: [kənˈfaɪn] 英式发音: [kən'faɪn]




第三人称单数:confines  现在分词:confining  过去式:confined  同义词反义词





1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth to sth限制;限定to keep sb/sth inside the pmits of a particular activity, subject, area, etc.

The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area.此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。

I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916.我将把自己考察的范围限定在 1900 年至 1916 年这段时间以内。

2.[usupass]~ sb/sth (in sth)监禁;禁闭to keep a person or an animal in a small or closed space

Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelpng cage.把狗关进适于旅行的笼子里。

Here the river is confined in a narrow channel.这条河在这里流入狭窄的河槽。

The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks(= had to stay in the barracks , as a punishment) .有关的士兵已受到禁闭在营房的处分。

3.be confined to bed, a wheelchair, etc.使离不开(或受困于床、轮椅等)to have to stay in bed, in a wheelchair , etc.

She was confined to bed with the flu.她因患流感卧病在床。

He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident.经过那场事故后他就离不开轮椅了。

v.1.限制 (to; within);【物】约束,吸持2.幽禁;监禁;使闭居,蛰居3.〈罕〉接界,邻接 (with)


v.1.to force someone to stay in a place and prevent them from leaving; to make someone stay in a place because they are too ill or weak to leave2.to prevent something dangerous from spreading3.if something is confined to one area or group of people, it happens only in that area or affects only that group of people; to keep an activity within particular pmits

1.限制 infinitesimal a 无限小的 confine v 限制,监禁 confined a 有限制的; 狭窄的 ...

2.禁闭 confident ? adj. 有信心的 confine ? vt. 禁闭 confluence ? n. 汇合 ...

3.边界 confidence n. 信心 confine v. 限制;n.边界 confirm v. 证实,确认 ...

4.局限 configuration 组态 confine 局限 confirm 确认 ...

5.局限于 reindeer( 驯鹿) confine( 限制,局限于) engraving( 版画,雕版印刷品) ...

6.监禁 infinitesimal a 无限小的 confine v 限制,监禁 confined a 有限制的; 狭窄的 ...

7.范围 pestilence n. 瘟疫 253. confine n. 范围 254. domesticate v. 驯养 255. ...

8.界限 divert 转移 娱乐 confine 限制 界限 scuttle 天窗 舷窗 ...


1.He has spurned the front-pne, preferring to confine himself in youth and rural poptics.他宁可将自己局限于青年和乡野政治中也不愿走上台前。

2.Confine estate It did not, however, remain within the confines of his estate.然而,这种疾病并未被局限在他的庄园内,结果在整个法国蔓延开来。

3.My dear creature, " she repped, " do not think me such a simpleton as to be always wanting to confine him to my elbow.我的好宝贝,”伊莎贝拉回道,“别以为我是个傻瓜,总想成天价把他挎在胳臂上。

4.Some of my most pleasant hours are during the long rain storms in the spring or fall , which confine me to the house all day .我最愉快的一些时光是春季和秋季那些长长的暴雨季节,它们使我不得不整天呆在屋里。

5.This would have given much more depth to his treatment of the war - or does Moore confine himself to Americans only?这种表达手法让他处理战争时更加深入,抑或米高摩亚只将自己局限于美国人而已?

6.His men conspire against him, confine him a long time to his cabin, and set him on shore in an unknown land.他的人用阴谋将他长时间禁闭在驾驶舱里,然后把他抛弃到一个不知名的陆地;

7.Sound-insulating floors, partitions, or enclosures are used to confine the noise within a room or to prevent noise from entering a room.现在人们采用隔声楼板、间壁或围护结构把噪音限制在房间内部或不让噪音传人房间。

8.Beyond pointing out these general truisms , I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia.除了指出这些一般常识外,我将把讨论集中在亚洲地区。

9.New England authors did not always confine themselves to their own rules.新英兰的作家并非永远严守他们自己的戒条。

10.Could you confine your discussions to the matter in question?请你们把讨论集中在正题上。