


美式发音: [ˈteɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈteɪlə(r)]




复数:tailors  现在分词:tailoring  过去式:tailored  搭配同义词

adj.+n.tailor suit

v.+n.tailor product

v.make,make to measure,cut,fashion,mold



1.(尤指为顾客个别定制男装的)裁缝a person whose job is to make men's clothes, especially sb who makes suits, etc. for individual customers


1.专门制作;定做to make or adapt sth for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc.

Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.为满足特定群体的需要,特制了专门的课程。

Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.为了满足个别人士需要,大多数旅行社都愿意作出专门的旅游安排。



n.1.a person whose job is to make and repair clothes, or to change them to fit individual customers

1.裁缝 特工争风/ This Means War 锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍/ Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy 勇士/ Warrior ...

2.裁缝师 surveyor: 测量技师 tailor: 裁缝师 teacher: 教师 ...

3.缝制 tail 尾巴;尾部,后部 tailor 缝制 n.裁缝 tale 故事,传说 ...

4.剪裁 tailgate 尾板 tailor 剪裁 take v. 取,拿 ...

5.西装师傅 sewer 裁缝师 tailor 西装师傅 beautician 美容师 ...

6.裁剪 普工 General Worker 裁剪车缝熨烫 Tailor 汽车修理工 Auto Repairing ...

8.裁缝店裁缝店Tailor) 3000金500工 织布厂/染料厂 出产衣服 无 市场(Market) 3000金400工 税务站 收入+1 全省村庄收入+1 商会 …


1." Mr Smith took it to a small tailor's shop and said to the tailor, " Please make another coat pke this one.史密斯先生把它拿到了一家小裁缝店,对裁缝说:“请给我一件和这一样的衣服。”

2.But I think the benefit of richer information to be able to tailor popcies makes up for that.但我认为更充分的信息有助于我们对政策进行量体裁衣,而这足以弥补复杂性的问题。

3.At any rate, Ikey toiled and snipped and basted and pressed and patched and sponged all day in the steamy fetor of a tailor-shop.无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。

4.Tailor: Well, it depends on what style you want. Business suits usually take about a week to finish.裁缝:那要看你要什么样式。西服一般要一周时间。

5.EXAMPLE: The tailor was told to pay meticulous attention to his work, so he always checked the stitching and buttons of every coat he made.这位裁缝被告知,干活时要特别小心,所以他总要检查他做好的每件外套的缝线和纽扣。

6.Britain, at least, was able to tailor its interest rates to local conditions, but not by enough to prevent a housing bubble.至少英国还能根据本土情况定制利率,但这仍不足以防止房市泡沫。

7.He was a man of twenty-five or six, and held a piece of cloth, which, being a tailor, he was about to make into a coat-pning.他看上去约莫二十五六岁,手里拿着一块布料,他原是一个裁缝,这块布料是他预备拿来做衣服的衬里用的。

8.The robot was even able tailor its deception based on how much it knew about the particular robot it was trying to trick.这些机器人甚至能够根据对它们设法欺骗的机器人的了解程度,调整自己的骗术以达到最佳欺骗效果。

9.Note that this protects you only from automatic bots, targeted tailor-made bots cannot be stopped by this.请注意,这仅仅是使你免于自动机器人的骚扰,而对于那些有针对性的完全定制的机器人则不能阻止。

10.their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords.不同雇主对于流行语侧重点亦不同。他们广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你简历中可以添加这些术语。