




1.泰姬玛哈酒店泰姬玛哈酒店Taj Mahal Hotel) ,位于印度孟买的五星级酒店。被誉为“象征印度的自尊和财富的印度最佳酒店”。

2.泰姬玛哈饭店比如:泰姬玛哈饭店Taj Mahal Hotel)2楼Tanjore餐厅,供应地道印度口味-烧烤、塔利定食(Thaps)和配菜,每周二、四 …

3.泰姬陵酒店悼念死者:12月3日在孟买泰姬陵酒店(Taj Mahal hotel)外,数百人高喊支持印度的口号,手举 烛 念在恐怖袭击中死去的人。泰 …

4.泰姬玛哈大酒店泰姬玛哈大酒店( Taj Mahal Hotel)孟买维茨酒店(Vits Mumbai Hotel) Waterstones Hotel 戈拉巴钢绞线酒店(Hotel Strands Colab…

5.泰姬玛哈陵酒店可以到泰姬玛哈陵酒店taj mahal hotel)的rick’s,或凯悦酒店(hyatt regency)的djinns。另外,洲际酒店(inter-continental …

6.五星级泰姬玛哈旅馆印度警方表示,孟买南区著名的五星级泰姬玛哈旅馆Taj Mahal Hotel)、奥拜罗旅馆(Oberoi Hotel)、Colaba平价购物区等 …

7.泰姬马哈旅馆●泰姬马哈旅馆Taj Mahal Hotel):一群持步枪与手榴弹的枪手,闯入这家历史悠久、邻近古蹟「印度门」(Gateway of India…


1.They watched over the powder-blue synagogue - just a 10-minute walk from the Taj Mahal Hotel, where the siege had ended.他们监视着这座粉蓝色的犹太教堂。这里离泰姬陵酒店只有10分钟步行的距离,恐怖分子对这城市的袭击是在那里结束的。

2.Special Forces soldiers have been rescued by an attacker in the Taj Mahal hotel in the seizure of the hostages.特种部队士兵已经救出了攻击者在泰姬陵酒店内扣押的人质。

3.One of the Taj Mahal Hotel, witnesses said on television, those gunmen in an attempt to find a U. S. or British passport holders.中英文对照:一位在泰姬玛哈酒店的目击者在电视上说,那些持枪歹徒企图寻找美国或英国护照持有者。

4.India Maharashtra popce chief AN- Roy 27, said the Mumbai five - star Taj Mahal hotel has been the end of the hostage incident.中英文对照:印度马哈拉施特拉邦警察局长AN-罗伊27日称,孟买泰姬玛哈五星级酒店的人质事件目前已经结束。

5.It was also revealed that the Indian miptary, the Taj Mahal hotel in the armed insurgency also has entered the stage of finishing.另据印度军方透露,在泰姬玛哈酒店的清剿武装分子行动也已经进入收尾阶段。

6.Taj Mahal hotel in a nearby alley, a reporter saw one guard were killed in attacks in the bodies of their relatives wept.在泰姬玛哈酒店附近的一个小巷内,记者看到一家人守着在袭击事件中遇害的亲人尸体痛哭。

7.Taj Mahal hotel does not appear armed hostage-taking situation, and the hotel may Aobeiluoyi dozens of hostages.泰姬玛哈饭店未出现武装人员扣押人质情形,而奥贝罗伊饭店内可能有数十名人质。

8.By 9. 15pm, the Leopold Cafe, a popular haunt for travellers for more than a century, and close to the Taj Mahal hotel, was under attack.晚上9点15分,利奥波德咖啡店,这个坐落于泰姬酒店旁边,一个世纪以来被众多旅行者魂牵梦绕的地方遭到了袭击。

9.The newly reopened Taj Mahal hotel pghts up the Mumbai seafront.重新开张的泰姬马哈尔酒店照亮了孟买的沿海公路

10.The executives who congregated in the Taj Mahal hotel were chasing this golden songbird.聚集在泰姬陵大酒店中的高管们正在追逐着这只金丝雀。