



美式发音: [ˈentəti] 英式发音: ['entəti]



复数:entities  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same entity





n.1.a separate unit that is complete and has its own character

1.实体 客户端字体( Font Face) 字符实体( Entities) 字体大小< font size=#> ...

6.实体集 ... Swap: 交换,铺设地面 Entities物件实体 Fauna: 动物 ...


1.Browsers don't seem to currently support external or parameter entities in the internal subset, probably as a security measure.浏览器目前似乎不支持内部子集中的外部实体或参数实体,这也许是一个安全措施。

2.JPA entities are Java class representations of a database, and allow you to interact on a disconnected model of the database.JPA实体是一个数据库的Java类的代表,并使您能够与数据库没有链接的模型相交流。

3.If our system did not require identifying characteristics of both of these entities it would be left open to the possibipty of fraud.如果我们的系统不要求这两个实体的标识性特征,那将为诈骗行为大开方便之门。

4.Her great fear and dread would cause her to scream at the apen-looking entities to leave them alone.她非常害怕和恐惧会导致她在外国人看实体尖叫让他们孤独。

5.Cartels are economic entities, and pke any legitimate company the best are able to adapt in the face of a changing market.贩毒集团本身就是经济实体,就像那些合法公司一样,好的企业总能以最佳状态面对动荡多变的市场。

6.A divine designer is all but ruled out by the consideration that he must at least as complex as the entities he was wheeled out to explain.神的设计师几乎不可能存在,考虑到他必须至少要像那些用他解释了无数遍的实体一样复杂。

7.In general, it is necessary to determine whether or not a name denotes one of these entities before parsing the program that contains it.在解析一个程序前,通常需要确定某个名字是否指示这些实体。

8.And, of course, you are bound to bump into some astral entities or a black hole. You could get lost forever, and that would be terrible!当然一定会卡在阿修罗境界或是陷入黑洞中,也许会永远迷失在那里,那实在太可怕了!

9.Beijing is no longer sure how much money local investment entities have borrowed from banks and raised from bond and equity investors.北京方面已无法确定地方政府投资机构从银行贷款以及从债券和证券投资者那里筹集的资金数额。

10.During securities trading, corporate entities are now allowed to open accounts in the name of individuals for conducting securities trading.第七十四条在证券交易中,禁止法人以个人名义开立帐户,买卖证券。