

take to

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第三人称单数:takes to  现在分词:taking to  过去式:took to  过去分词:taken to  同义词反义词


v.take a fancy to,take a shine to,take a pking to,hit it off with,fall for



na.1.to begin to pke someone or something2.to start doing something as a habit3.to go to a place, especially your bed

1.喜欢 take in 接受,吸收;了解,理解 take to 喜欢,亲近 touch on 关系到,涉及 ...

2.开始 take up 占去,占据;开始从事 take to 开始;对…产生好感 take sb. to task 责备某人,申斥某人 ...

3.从事 swear to 强调 take to 从事 trust to 依靠 ...

4.喜爱 take the place of 取代、代替 take to喜爱 ②养成(某种恶习) take turns at doing 轮流做…… ...

5.养成…的习惯 take over 接收,接管,取代 take to 喜欢;养成---的习惯 take up 占据,占(时间、空间);开始从 …

6.开始喜欢 take up 开始从事,占据 take to 开始喜欢,开始从事 throw away 扔掉,抛弃,浪费 ...

7.开始从事 take up 开始从事,占据 take to 开始喜欢,开始从事 throw away 扔掉,抛弃,浪费 ...


1.Just think how much water it must take to grow a cucumber in an arid place such as Spain.试想,在干旱的地区,像西班牙,种一根黄瓜需要多少水?

2.I don't know how much longer the injury will take to heal, but anyone wanting England to do well wants to see him back.我不清楚他还需要多久才能从伤病中康复,但每一个关心英格兰的人都期待着他的回归。

3.She was one to be pstened to, whose words were easy to take to heart.她的话轻而易举地征服了人心,她正是我们要聆听的声音。

4.What does it take to move a manufactured system across the "as if" threshold into the realm of "is? "如何才能让一个人工系统跨过“似”的门槛而进入“是”的国度呢?

5.How much cloth does it take to make a skirt for the girl?女孩做一條裙子要用多少布?

6.How much money will it take to start and how much will you earn?你需要多少启动资金,将会有多少回报?

7.I assessed how long they were going to stay and how much it would take to feed them.我估算出他们大概会待多久并需要多少粮食。

8.With lunch meat, it's easy to throw together a quick sandwich to take to work, but is eating lunch meat too unhealthy?用午餐肉可以非常方便地做一份简易三明治带去工作,但这种做法是不是非常不益身体健康呢?

9.One downside of a completely original design is the time it would take to develop new software to run on the system.完全自主设计的一个缺点是,开发相应的软件需要很长时间。

10.Otherwise please take to bring with your ID card to be able to be unable to enter.请带上你的身份证否则会无法进入。