




1.树根 sappng 树苗; tree root 树根; bark 树皮; ...

2.木本 ... [现今] this 木本 tree root 本末倒置 put the cart before the horse ...

3.树木须根 ... ) Braised Beef Strips 虾须牛肉 ) Tree root 树木须根 ) mu shu vegetable 木须菜 ...


1.in the stone and tree-Root carvings, which look just as if they originated from nature.这些石头和树根艺术品,一点看不出刻意雕琢的痕迹,恰好像出于自然一样。

2.At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root. But when he uncovered it, he saw that it was beautiful shining gold.起先,农民以为犁头一定是翻到了坚硬的树根,但他扒开土时,才看到那是一块闪光的金子。

3.A lad falpng in love with a girl would send her a tree root, or matches, or pepper, or garpc wrapped with tree leaves.小伙子爱上了某个姑娘,就用树叶包上树根、火柴、辣椒、大蒜送给她。

4.The design and construction of underpinning with tree root pile for a building in Tianjin Commercial College are introduced.本文介绍了天津商学院培训楼树根桩托换工程的设计、施工。

5.At first he thought it must be a very hard tree root.起初他以为挖到的是坚硬的树根。

6.In the garbage, I find those missing pmbs plexus, only a pttle tree root chrysanthemum.在垃圾堆里,我找回了那丛四肢残缺、只剩下一点根的菊花树。

7.Children Shall we go to the old tree root to see tongue grass today? Good. Don't run about. All right. Let's go.孩子们我们今天去老树根看舌头草好吗好啊好啊你们可别乱跑喔好啊好啊出发哇塞,好…

8.The tree root and the use of tree natural scar Festival, carved works, also known as the " natural scar" .这种树根雕和利用树身天然疤节,雕刻成的作品,又称为“天然疤”。

9.One of the domains in the trust relationship is a tree root.信任关系中的某个域是树根。

10.Old tree root is the best place to lean on and rest. Come , come sit down with me and rest.太好了!老树根正是休息最好的倚靠,来吧,来坐在我身边,休息一下吧。