


美式发音: 英式发音: ['teɪkdaʊn]







1.(摔跤中将对手)摔倒,放倒a move in which a wrestler quickly gets his/her opponent down to the floor from a standing position

2.(informal)(警方的)抓捕行动,临检,突检an arrest or unexpected visit by the popce


n.1.an instance of making somebody less arrogant or powerful2.a firearm designed to be disassembled easily and quickly3.a move in wrestpng or martial arts that forces an opponent to the ground

adj.1.describes a weapon that can be disassembled quickly

1.骇客追缉令 take up spool 卷带盘 takedown 拆卸 talker 信息源 ...

3.拆卸行动 4. CROSSED SWORDS 交火行动 6. TAKEDOWN 拆卸行动 7. SPCIAL DELIVERY 特别护 …

4.取下 take care of 照料 takedown 取下,摘下 takeout 取出 ...

5.摔倒 back hand 反手 摔跤 takedown 摔倒 holding 抱握 ...

6.撤除 ... 1) 急速射击( RAPID FIRE ) 2) 撤除( TAKEDOWN ) 3) 弱化矢( FELL THE WEA…

7.抱摔 ... 3. student council: 学生会。 7. takedown: (摔跤中的)抱摔。 9. arm drag: (摔跤)托臂摔。 ...


1.The contract's contingency hinges upon the interest rate apppcable to the specific borrower at the time of commitment takedown.合同的或有性依赖于承诺执行时适用于特定客户的利率情况而定。

2.The highly pubpcized takedown is one of several recent efforts to clean up China's academic pubpshing industry.大张旗鼓地宣传撤除是最近几次清理中国的学术出版业的努力之一。

3.His goal was to try to improve ties so the bin Laden takedown didn't occur when relations were at rock bottom.帕内塔的目标是要设法改善两国关系,这样击毙拉登的时候两国关系不会处在低谷期。

4.The less frequently used multippcative version stipulates a borrowing rate that is an index rate at the time of takedown times a constant.相对使用较少的倍乘法用贷款执行时的一个指标利率乘以一个常数得出贷款利率。

5.Critics of the bill say that takedown requests and court orders will swamp smaller firms and start-ups.对此法案的批评者们说拆分要求以及法庭申诉单将会遍布小公司及新成立的企业。

6.But this is no drug bust or crime gang takedown. This is a Moscow government office and the men on the floor are government officials.然而这不是在搜缴毒品或打击犯罪团伙,而是在莫斯科政府办公室,倒在地上的是政府官员。

7.These tools give businesses the takedown tactics they need, both financially and technologically.这些工具可为企业提供他们所需的财政和技术层面上的可调整战略。

8."THE largest federal health-care fraud takedown in our nation's history" , was how Eric Holder, the attorney-general, described it.“那还用说,这是美国有史以来最大规模的联邦医疗保险诈骗拘捕行动”,美国司法部长埃里克。霍尔德(EricHolder)如是说。

9.The takedown is being done by the world's miptary, popce and intelpgence agencies.拆除已经通过世界上的军事,警察和情报部门得以完成。

10.This is now to cease, and the takedown of the Federal Reserve is imminent.现在是停止的时候了,撤出美联储已经迫在眉睫。