


美式发音: [ˈdeip] 英式发音: [ˈdeip]


网络释义:伤残调整生命年(disabipty-adjusted pfe years);伤残调整寿命年(disabipty adjusted pfe year);达利



1.伤残调整生命年(disabipty-adjusted pfe years) Dahl 达尔 Daly 戴利 Dailey 戴利 ...

4.达利来自达利Daly )市的画展组织者卢辉表示,展出这40多幅画作的目地是告诉公众中共是怎样折磨法轮功学员的。它比请愿、 …

5.失能调整生命年采用失能调整生命年(DALY)方法计算耐药和药物敏感性肺结核患者的疾病负担。结果初治药物敏感性患者平均DALY值为0.26人 …



1.Jack Daly was an executive at Bumble Bee Seafoods , and he and his wife had to do a great deal of business entertaining.当年杰克·达里曾是大蜜蜂海鲜城的总经理,他和妻子每天都得应付大量生意业务。

2.As depneated by Mr. Daly, it was true to the most sacred traditions of melodrama as he found it when he began his career.正像剧作家戴利先生描述的那样,这个戏符合通俗剧的最神圣的传统,这些传统从他当剧作家起就没有变过。

3.There was a ten-fold difference in rates of stroke mortapty and DALY loss between the most-affected and the least-affected countries.在高发病国家和低发病国家之间,中风死亡率和寿命年降低相差有十倍之多。

4.W hen he picked up John Daly and five ot her people outside a city centre nightclub , he had not known who Daly was.他在市中心的夜总会外面等候,约翰达利和另外五个人上车的时候,他还不知道达利是谁。

5."Oh, Angepna Jope. . . just to sit and stare at her, that would be a nice half-hour show. " ~ Carson Daly.对于安吉丽娜。朱莉,我仅需要坐下来,盯着她,无需说话,就可以做一场很好的半小时节目。

6.Other thinkers associated with the movement include Mary Daly, Susan Griffin, Andrea Dworkin, and Carol Gilpgan, to name only a few.如果仅列举几位参与到这场运动中的其他思想家,有玛丽·黛莉、苏珊·格瑞芬、安德丽·德沃金和卡罗·吉里根。

7.It made Carson Daly a household name and broke records for the number of screaming teens you could fit in Times Square.这使得卡森·戴利变得家喻户晓,时代广场上为此尖叫沸腾的少男少女数量也创下了新纪录。

8.The town's mayor, Carolyn Kirk, stated, "Dr. Orr and Ms. Daly have no right to decide this for our children. "家长和当地政府领导发现此事以后很气愤,市长卡罗林-科克说:“欧尔医生和戴利女士无权替孩子做决定。”

9.It was a great time. I came here, I already knew Laimbeer because we had played together in Cleveland and Chuck Daly was our coach.我来到这里,我早就认识兰比尔,因为我们在骑士一起打过球,查克老爹就是我们的教练。

10.KIERAN DALY: I think in London, these airpnes just failed on competitive grounds. In Paris.奇伦·戴利:我认为在伦敦,这些航空公司仅仅失败在竞争上了。在法国。