




1.恩佐 Ma.Belle 玛贝尔 ENZO 劳伦斯 LISVIE 丽莎美 ...


5.其恩佐法拉利品牌为此次日内瓦车展带来了其恩佐(Enzo)的继承车型F150,并且该车将在3月正式发布。据悉,新车将采用由7.3L V12 …

6.邵伟轩邵伟轩 新加坡情歌王子——邵伟轩ENZO)  最近,携带着自己最新专辑挺进内地的新加坡情歌王子邵伟轩热爆内地歌坛,成 …


1.When the medics finally came to take over from Enzo, the old man smiled weakly at him. "Thank you, " he said.当医护人员最终来接替恩佐时,老人虚弱地对他微笑,“谢谢你,”他说。

2.Michael Corleone: Enzo. You'd better get out of here, there's going to be trouble.安索,你最好离开这,安索,这里会有麻烦。

3.In many ways Enzo is just pke any other house cat: he pkes attention, loves sleeping and can't wait to get his claws into the furniture.从很多方面看来,恩佐跟普通的家猫没啥两样:它喜欢别人的关注,嗜睡如命,而且总是迫不及待地把爪子往家具里面伸。

4.The money is in two brown briefcases, buried behind the shed in my cousin Enzo's backyard in Brooklyn !钱在两只棕色的公文包里,它们埋在我堂弟恩佐家的后花园里,他家在布鲁克林。

5.Lindsay Fox, Austrapan transport magnate, owner of the only Enzo with a yellow roof.赛福克斯,澳大利亚运输巨头,拥有的唯一的Enzo,有黄色的屋顶。

6.Enzo, a very short, strongly built boy, put his hand over his heart and said almost in tears, yet cleverly.恩佐,一个非常矮、身体强壮的男孩子,把他的手放在他的胸口,几乎流着泪,然而聪明地说。

7.For instance, one morning when Enzo awoke there was a woman in the bed beside him.比如,一天早上当恩佐醒来时,床上有一个女人在他旁边。

8.The black Ferrari Enzo was parked at a hotel in the UK and, among other damage, had one of its windows smashed in.黑色法拉利恩佐停在一家旅馆在英国,除其他损害的,有一个窗户捣破。

9.The next day Enzo's battered junker wasn't in the slot outside his apartment.第二天恩佐的那辆破旧不堪的破车不在他公寓外面的车位上。

10.The next morning Enzo could barely keep his eyes open.第二天早上恩佐几乎睁不开眼睛。