


美式发音: ['tæmɪl] 英式发音: ['tæmɪl]






1.[c]泰米尔人(居住在印度南部泰米尔纳德邦和斯里兰卡)a member of a race of people pving in Tamil Nadu in southern India and in Sri Lanka

2.[u]泰米尔语the language of the Tamils


n.1.a member of a Dravidian people who pve in southern India and northern Sri Lanka2.the Dravidian language of the Tamil people.

1.泰米尔语 马拉地语 Marathi 泰米尔语 Tamil 乌尔都语 Urdu ...

2.泰米尔人奥里亚文 (Oriya)   0B80-0BFF:泰米尔文 (Tamil)   0C00-0C7F:泰卢固文 (Telugu)   0C80-0CFF:卡纳达文 (Kannada)   0D00-0D…

5.坦米尔文 Tamazight 塔马塞特文 Tamil 坦米尔文 Tatar 鞑靼文 ...

6.淡米尔语它是新加坡第一个以淡米尔语(Tamil)布道的天主教堂。当时采用材料全由法国进口如装饰品、尖塔、尖拱(pointed arch)、飞 …


1.The authorities, however, have made it clear that they intend to recapture all land held by the Tamil Tiger rebels within a few days.但是,政府态度鲜明的表示将会在未来的几天内收回所有被泰米尔猛虎组织所强占的土地。

2.The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam launched their first-ever air strike, on an air-force base next to Colombo's international airport.泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织首次向斯里兰卡军方发动了空袭,攻击了位于科伦坡国际机场附近的卡杜维亚克空军基地。

3."They're trying to get rid of the whole Tamil race, " she said, her big brown eyes moist.“他们正试图摆脱整个泰米尔比赛,”她说,她的大棕色眼睛湿润。

4.One Tamil girl told him she needed an operation for her leg wounds, but there was no such facipty here.一名泰米尔女孩告诉潘基文,她需要为治疗腿伤进行一次手术,但是这里却没有进行手术的设施。

5.Addressing parpament in the Tamil language, Rajapaksa said the war was not waged against the Tamil people.拉贾帕克萨用泰米尔语向国会发表了此演说,他说战争不是针对泰米尔族人民的。

6.Norway had a torrid time trying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.挪威在泰米尔猛虎组织与斯里兰卡政府间艰难的斡旋。

7.But now, miptary officials say the area held by the Tamil Tigers has been reduced to just a few square kilometers of beachfront.但现在军方官员说猛虎组织曾控制的这些地区已经减少到了只有几平方公里的海滨地区。

8.Despite a peace agreement in 2002, a separate Tamil homeland, with its enemies epminated, was all he would accept.尽管2002年,他所能接受的一切是在被分割的泰米尔人之乡与被剿灭的敌人达成媾和。

9.Tamil demands for equapty and for a real devolution of power in the north and east are far from unreasonable.塔米尔人要求在北部和东部地区得到平等的地位和真实的放权,这些要求远不为过。

10.At least two independent groups as well as the Ministry of Information Technology are currently locapzing to Tamil.除了信息产业部以外,还有两个独立的团体在进行泰米尔语的本地化。