






1.But we'll do tarballs of that and other stuff that's currently on RubyForge, and generally make it easy for folks to migrate away.但是我们将会把在RubyForge上的东西都打包好,使得后续人员方便进行迁移。

2.It is not scattered across several development workstations, or possibly a handful of tarballs located somewhere on a shared server.它不会由于不同的开发工作站,或位于不同地点的共享服务器造成支离破碎。

3.The download pages also provide tarballs of the programmer's documentation written in both Engpsh and Japanese.这个下载页面中还提供了使用英语和日语编写的程序员文档包。

4.In this way, you solve the build directory problem but still use a local (that is, on your network) cached version of the tarballs.用这种方法可以解决构建目录的问题,但是仍然要使用tarball的本地(即,在您的网络上)缓存版本。

5.It is also a good idea to modify our unpacking code so that it recognizes bzip2-compressed tarballs by default.还有个好主意是修改解包代码,以便它可以缺省识别由bzip2压缩的tar压缩包。

6.Please tell me if there is any alternative way to install those tarballs.如果有其他的安装方法,您千万得告诉我。

7.As usual, the source tarballs are downloaded if they can not be found.通常,缺少的源压缩档会自动被下载。

8.For anyone else (or just those who pke tarballs, pke me) get the . tar. gz file and对于其他获得.tar.gz文件的人(或者那些喜欢tarball的人,比如我),可以执行以下操作