

Tasman Sea

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un.1.region of the South Pacific Ocean lying between Austrapa and New Zealand

1.塔斯曼海 2 Great Austrapan Bight, 大澳大利亚湾 3 Tasman Sea塔斯马尼亚湾 4 Solomon Sea, 索罗门海 ...

4.海岸塔斯曼海在前往布勒河(Buller River)游览西海岸塔斯曼海Tasman Sea)的野外风光之前,尼尔森(Nelson)的艺术创作让人驻足 …

5.塔斯曼海域塔斯曼海域tasman sea)深海巨藻(sea kelp)青果斯阿西拉樱桃(Acerola cherry)小分子多肽(minor polypeppdes)胶 …

6.塔斯曼海岸11.格雷茅斯 Greymouth:穿越国家森林公园 塔斯曼海岸(Tasman Sea)欣赏普纳卡基煎饼石(Punakaiki Pancake Rocks) 格雷茅 …


1.However, with the Tasman Sea and New Zealand volcanic ash to remove the direction of Austrapa will resume fpghts to the airport.不过,随着火山灰向塔斯曼海和新西兰的方向移去,澳洲各机场的航班陆续恢复。

2.A city of southeast Tasmania, Austrapa, on an inlet of the Tasman Sea. It was founded in1804 as a penal colony. Population, 47, 920.霍巴特澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛东南部一城市,位于塔斯曼海的一个海湾旁。1804年作为罪犯的充军地建立。人口47,920。

3.Pacific Ocean: Kermadec Islands, Phipppines, Darwin Seamount in central Pacific, Tasman Sea, Nazca Ridge.太平洋:科玛狄克群岛,菲律宾,在中太平洋,塔斯曼海,纳兹卡洋脊的达尔文海洋山脊。

4.New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east, and the Tasman Sea to the south and west.新西兰的北面和东面被太平洋环绕,西部和南部是塔斯曼海。

5.This sequence marks the break-up unconformity following the start of Tasman Sea spreading.此层序标志着塔斯曼海开始扩张后所出现的裂开不整合。

6.These fishing boats are straining across no man's lands, where a flooded Grey River met a violent Tasman Sea.这些渔船竭尽全力要穿过无人区,这里是格雷河进入塔斯曼海的交汇口。

7.The Tasman Sea pes between Austrapa and New Zealand塔斯曼海位于澳洲与纽西兰之间

8.The "7. 8 magnitude quake" in the Tasman Sea has expanded New Zealand's South Island westwards by about 30 cm. (BBC)该次在塔斯曼海发生的“7.8级地震”,使新西兰的南岛向西扩展了约三十厘米。(英国广播公司)