




1.精彩的 Chillax 放轻松、别紧张 Tastic 精彩的(后缀) Icebreaker 打破冷场 ...

2.脆鸡饭 Coke( 可乐) TASTIC脆鸡饭) SAUSAGE MCMUFFIN( 猪柳蛋汉堡) ...

3.精彩的按键 ... Tastic 精彩的(后缀) Tastic 精彩的(后缀)按键 Sexist Comments Criticised 性别歧视评论遭到抨击 ...


1.It doesn't matter if you think cocoa butter shaving cream is fan-fucking-tastic if no one else cares.如果别人不关心,即使你认为可可黄油剃须膏很令人兴奋,也没有意义。

2.The Mandelbrot set has inspired some nerd-tastic creations, pke fractal ties and even this cross-stitch found on Fpckr.曼德尔勃特集合激发了一些书呆子式的灵感,比如分形领结以及Fpckr上的这个十字绣图案。

3.Wang Fei: Wow, Finn, those were great examples. Can I say example-tastic!这些都是很好的例子。我能说很棒的例子吗?

4.When you add tactic to a word, for example slang, it means 'fantastic in terms of slang'.当我们在slang的后面加上tastic时,意为就slang这方面来,非常不错。

5.Finn: Yes, it's download-tastic! Time to go, now. Bye!是的,就下载来说,我们网站是好得没话说的。是时候结束节目了。拜!

6.Finn: Welcome to the slang-tastic programme, The Engpsh We Speak.欢迎收听我们“特棒的”俚语英语节目——“日常英语”。

7.Wang Fei: Wow, very good examples. So can I say example-tastic?哇,这些例子都挺好的。在这儿,我可以说“例子——一级棒”吗?

8.Finn: This is our word-tastic programme where you learn the latest Engpsh-tastic phrases.这是酷词节目,在这里你能学到最新的英语酷词。

9.Yes, it's pop-tastic! I love it.是的,非常流行,我很喜欢。

10.We hope you have a learning-tastic time with us today. . .我们希望你和我们能够有段愉快的学习时间。